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(private journal)
1861 Dec 8 + [[Sunday]]

Innuits were also standing & sitting around in the midst of the Company.
Capt. has a way (of his own) occasionally of breaking out in strong, unmistakable terms against the this Northern Country.  Of course, he does not mean all he says.  While speaking of it to-night he said: 'Koo-jes-se, what do you have such a cold, bleak, barren, mountenous, rocky, icy, stormy freezing God-Forssaken Country here for - unfit for a White man to live in or [[underlined]] any body else! [[/underlined]]  It was at once noticed that Innuit Shev-ek-Koo was bathed in tears - & such other Innuits as comprehended the words of Capt. B. seemingly felt hurt.
How true that every one likes his own - his [[underlined]] native country best. [[/underlined]]  Shev-ek-Koo is one of the noblest of his people;  he could not resist the flood of tears that burst forth on hearing his native land thus spoken of.  Capt. B. had no idea of this injuring his feelings - & felt sorry on discovering the effects.
Dinner = Duff & molasses - Good
Supper = "Black Skin" - being sick, eat none
This Morn Twer-oong came over early.  I gave her another opportunity to share my breakfast.  I ask Capt B. consent in this matter of sharing out what belongs to ship - to wit what I have rationed out to me.

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Private Journal of CF Hall
2 Pages in this day's Record.

Monday Dec. 9th 1861

29.1  AM  -1°  NW  Fresh  Fine
29.125  M  0°  N.W.  Light  Cloudy
29.250  P.M.  -8°  N.W.  Modt. Gale (Aurora)

This Morning early I was up.  The Aurora scattered here & there in beams thus [[image: drawing of Aurora beams]]
Just before I retired last night Capt B. kindly cleansed my afflicted back & applied a new medicated plaster.  Whenever I get "under the weather" he takes hold & soon relieves me.  I consider him worthy to be honored with "M.D."
To[day bid adieu to the larger share of my whiskers & Moustache.
Walked over to Ebierbing's Igloo to-day stopped awhile & returned.  This Morn Capt B. administered dose medicine to me - feel better.

Compare Chros
Res's  hVI-m25-s00.0
([[underlined]] Vide [[/underlined]] Nov 28) G.H.'s  VI-05-10.5 = 21/2 ([[underlined]] Vide [[/underlined]] Dec 14th)
Re's fast on G.H. = m19-s49.5 [[checkmark]]

Breakfast - Fried Whale beef;  Dinner Pemican with Borden's meat biscuit - excellent!  Whale Beef nearly all gone - natives are nearly out.  All we have had has been obtained from them - pay them in tobacco.