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Private Journal
2 pages in this day's record
1861 Dec. 9 Mon

Capt. B. & others particularly notice that gray-hairs are very numerous in my head.  
Shev-ek-Koo & others Innuits just aboard.  V-30 P.M.  As they look in to me they have a hearty laugh.  At 1st I knew not what to make of it.  I asked Shev-ek-Koo:  Kiss-sue?  He answered: 'Oo-ming'
While Mate Rogers was at Oo-Kood-lear, two of his dogs left him.  When he (R.) got ready to come back dogs were missing.  The same dogs found their way back yesterday, arriving at that time.
To-night wind blowing Mod. Gale - the Aurora frisking
"Smith", the old Innuit [[space]] little Innuit & "Fluker" got back from Toong-wine to-night.  Time of arrival VI-45.  I was not aware before that one of the forward hands went with Smith.
While at Toong-wine, Smith & the old Innuit spent nearly a day in going up & returning the Bay there making up Northerly from Toong-wine.  They went with the object of getting skins - Took-too - at another village.  Smith says that the distance up the Bay its extent he should think was 10 to 12 miles.
The male Innuits at the upper village - the one above Toong-wine were all off sealing - so that they were not able to get any skins there.  Innuit women dare not sell Took-too furs or anything of value in the absence of their wingas - husbands.
Smith got 2 skins - & only 2 but they are good ones.  The old Innuit got one.  While there the old Innuit AngeKooted for several.  It is supposed this to be the object for wh. he went up.

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Private Journal of CF Hall
8 Pages in this day's Record

Tuesday, Dec 10th 1861

29.375  AM  -10°  N.W.  Light  Few light clouds
29.350  M  -9°  N W  " " " " [[dittos for: Light Few light clouds]]
29.125  P.M.  -8°  N W  " [[ditto for: Light]]  [[underlined]] Cloudy [[/underlined]]  Threatening weather

This Morn, early, Miner & other Innuits with Kummitie & dogs off up the Bay for the White Whale which is deposited there.  This was captured by Miner commencement of Winter - just before ice made.  The beef is said to be excellent.
About X A.M. I went over to Ebierbing's to see him about going to Oo-pung-ne-wing & Toong-wine with me proposing to get Annawa to go with me also.  Found E. not at his Igloo but found Tuk-oo-li-too with her infant Tuk-e-lik-e-ta & Koo-ou-le-arny there.  I say I found Tuk-oo-li-too with infant.  I am mistaken.  The infant was gone - had been taken to the Igloo of an old Innuit from "Northumberland Inlet" - the Innuit whom Smith accompanied to Toong-wine.
This fact may be stated, the infant though unconscious of its importance in the world, really [[underlined]] was [[/underlined]] an object that led me to gain some important history.  While talking with Took-oo-li-too, I asked her if she would not go with me where the old Innuit was whose name is [[space]] for I wanted to talk with him a good deal?  Before we got started, in came a young Innuit with the infant its whole length stuck into the leg of a took-too pair of Kod-lins.  The fur being turned inside made a warm envelope for the otherwise naked child, save a little tookoo cap & jacket.  I then asked Tuk-oo-li-too to send for the old Innuit.  She done so by the young man.  In 5 minutes the old Innuit came in.  I had never seen him before to notice him especially.  He has quite a stock of whiskers & Moustache wh are quite gray.  I should think the old man to be full 65 to 70 years of age.  He is the oldest Innuit I have seen with the exception of the old lady Oo-Koo-yox-y-ni.  I then proceeded to state to Took-oo-li-too what I wished - that as this old Innuit's native place was [[?The-nuk-juk-ping-oo-sy-ong]] - a place where he had spent nearly all his life - I wished to ask him