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Private Journal
1861 Dec 10 Tues

others stood around all the same as "Captain's".  Innuits did not help make the ship but Innuits helped the Kod-lu-narns get ship down into tarrioke.  Kod-lu-narns went away in ship - did not hear anything about them coming back & freezing to death.  Never heard about ships coming here long time ago - or of their taking Innuits away.

I asked "Old Innuit" this question:  
Why do not the Innuits now live on Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a? (the Island beyond "Lupton Channel", - the long Island up the [[underlined]] "Extreme-Land" [[/underlined]] that I visited early part of this year).
He thought awhile & then answered:-
'A long time ago [[underlined]] Am-a-su-ad-lo Innuits [[/underlined]] - lived there - plenty took-too - plenty ni-noo I-vwick (Walrus), Seals, Nowyers, Meituks &c. &c.  At last all Innuits on the ice - ice break off the land & away it went - then ice drift back to the [[underlined]] Extreme [[/underlined]] Island where I went (the [[underlined]] utmost [[/underlined]] extremes) - then Innuits fight Innuits because they could not get home again - the ice went away so that Innuits could not get from one Island to another.

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Private Journal CF Hall
1861 Dec 10 Tues

Speaking with Koo-jes-se to-day relative to Innuits idea of the past as connected with this world He said Innuits think once no nuna - woo-loo-pook (high tide!)  A new idea for the [[underlined]] "flood" [[/underlined]] = High tide!
By the by, I was 1 hour talking with Old Innuit.  Seeing him quite tired out I told him I would give him some tobacco when he came over to the ship, - that I wished to talk with him again in a few days.  Just as I was through, Ebierbing returned with slabs of Black-skin (one feet long) & huge piece whale meat throwing same in took-su thence into Igloo.  I was desireous of speaking to Ebierbing alone relative to going with me to Toong-wine, therefore I invited out after getting on the outside.  I awaited awhile & finding him not responding to my call I spoke to him through the passage way.  In a short time he came out before I had a chance to tell him what I wanted he spoke up gruffly to me saying: Me no go - no go to-morrow Toong-wine - very bad going.
I was astonished at this - never more so.  Said I who says very bad going.  He answered: 'Smith' -
Said I:  Ebierbing  If you do not do any thing for me for the many things I have given you that you might help me when I wanted, then you are bad.  I will get somebody else.  The going to Toong-wine is good & you know it or Innuits could not go there in one day, a distance of 35 miles.  You want I should keep giving you whatever you wish & then when I want you to work a little, you find some excuse & talk to me made & cross.  I then left Ebierbing with his ungrateful heart & proceeded to Annawas.  He was willing to go - & also Shev-ek-Koo was willing but, I finally concluded to take "Young America" Henry Smith a boy belonging to the George Henry that seems to fall quite readily into the language way or customs of the Innuits.  The weather permitting, I start to-morrow for Oo-pung-ne-wing & Toong-wine.