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Private Journal
[[margin note]] Private journal [[/margin note]]
[[margin note]] 8 Pages in this day's Record [[/margin note]]
1861 Dec 10th Tues.

I called into the Igloo of Twer-oong while over by Fresh water pond to-day.  Miner brought in a portion of the White Whale while I was there.  Twer-oong was very sick last night - & is so to-day.  She said old man (the head of another family living in same Igloo) & Annawa angekooted her last night, [[underlined]] pe-e-uke [[/underlined]] - (that is) it made her feel better.
Breakfast this Morn = Whale meat, Sea bread & Coffee
Dinner = Griddle Cakes & Molasses
Supper = Bread & Coffee - others had fried Whale 
Capt B. & 3 of his officers intend going to OoKoodlear on my return from Toong-wine.  I intend to be gone one week - spending most of the time surveying the Inlet there by Toong-wine - a good portion if necessary also in searching over Oo-pung-ne-wing for that Anvil!
To-night the heavens over cast.  Wind at VII shifted to East - Bareometer has fallen over 2/10 & at the present time IX Ther. up to 0.  A storm near.
The ship that came into the Bay Tu-nuk-jok-ping-oo-sy, belonging to Bolby 7 years ago - What the "Old Innuit says

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Private Journal of CF Hall

Wednesday Dec 11 1861

28.650  AM  +19°  S.  Fresh  (Snow storm)
28.575  M  +19°  S.  Fresh " " [[dittos for: Snow storm]]
28.700  PM  +8  N.W.  Strong  [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] (Aurora)

During most of the night the wind blew a gale - this Morning according to the prediction last night a storm upon us.  Of course I have to delay starting till better weather.
Capt. B. is attentive to my ailing condition, he washes my afflicted back or shoulder every evening & applies new dressings.  I feel much better after it.  I take along with me some of my adhesive plaster with wh. I am to dress the abscess 2 or 3 times during my expected absence.
About Noon the wind changed to the N.W. blowing strong - soon as wind had whipped around in that direction the sky began to be seen - by 3 PM the heavens quite clear.  Now IX P.M. wind still blowing strong.  I am intending to start off tomorrow morning so [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] weathers [[?have]]  Of course if wind blows too hard & too cold shall delay.  Annawa & Young Smith go with me.  I have every thing in readiness - my winter clothing - Took-too [[?first]] will be [[?]] on this trip.
But few natives have come off to the ship to-day - on a/c this blow - & storm.
Breakfast = White Whale Beef, some Miner sent me last Eve by Koo-ur-nea-ung.  Of course I had it given to the Steward telling him to allow all hands its use till gone.
Dinner Took-too that Smith got at Toong-wine