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Private Journal
1861 Dec 12th Thurs

To-night, from all indications, shall have a fine day for making my trip to-morrow.  It is well I did not start this morning for the gale has continued incessant through the day.  Capt B. wishes me to take some of the common tobacco wh I let him have for the Ship's use & trade for such fresh meat as the natives at Toong-wine have - & also trade for the Walrus Ivory that they have if I can get the Innuits there to disengage the tusks from the skulls.
Tu-nuk-de-lien, noo-li-an-a of Koo-jesse, came aboard this eve with him the first time she has been to the ship for weeks.  
She has on her new Winter jacket.  It is a fine one made of Took-too fur.  There is excellent taste displayed in the arrangement of the various shades of the Took-too, White & black stripes.  There is much sewing required in making dresses in this way.  I may safely say to make jackets as the Innuit ladies do with such intermixture of colors the work is increased ten fold from the work required to make it plain.  To day Capt B. gave me the balance of all his paper

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Private Journal 
1861 Dec 12 Thurs

letter paper.  22 sheets.  This with the quire which I have left makes out all that I have save a few sheets given me yesterday by Dick Comstock.
I have left a Blank Journal Book of silk paper one of the 2 given me by my friends, Jones & Newell.
All of 7 months yet to come, the history of wh. I hope by God's blessings to be able truthfully to record.
I hope before 12 (M.) to-morrow to set my eyes on the valuable relic of Frobisher which I have been wishing to possess for months.
I shall (D.V.) stop at Oo-pung-ne-wing & hunt [[underlined]] "that relic", The An-vil, [[/underlined]] of wh. I have learned all about from the Innuits.
What a valuable acquisition [[underlined]] it will be [[/underlined]] to my accumulated lot of Frobisher Relics!
Dinner, Pemican & Borden Meat Biscuit
Breakfast = Whale - (Supper = Coffee & Sea bread -

Friday, Dec. 13th 1861.
3 pages in this Days Record

28.85  AM  0°  S.  Fresh (Snow storm, Thick)
28.85  M  +7  S.  Light  " " [[dittos for: Snow storm]]  Thick Clouds
29.00  PM  +5°  N.  Fresh  Thick Clouds.  X PM Gale N.W.

Still on board the "George Henry" - [[underlined]] "Weather bound" [[/underlined]] (?)  Last night before I turned in, the wind was shifting from W to S - & the reverse, tho' light.  Yet the sky was cloudless - before morning a thick snow storm from the Southard.  The air is filled with snow compelling me still to delay starting.
This AM Capt. B. got out a bay of "Roll brimstone" giving to the men Aft some of it to tip the ends of match sticks.  Men engaged splintering little blocks of pine & dipping them into melted brimstone wh. is in an iron spoon