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Private Journal
1861 Dec 13 Fri.

held over the lamp.  Of course those matches are for lighting pipes.  The 1st operation will consist of striking a spark with steel & Flint.  This spark kindleth the brimstone stick - & this communicates its fire to tobacco.
The Innuits engaged to-day digging out deposites of Whale Beef.  While thus engaged Capt. B. sent out men with tobacco (the 2d quality wh. I gave for ship's use) to purchase Whale Beef.  They, as usual, returned successful.  We have been living chiefly since becoming imprisoned on Whale.  Not a subject yet aboard of scurvey.  Last year, before this time many cases.  This is owing to our food chiefly being fresh meat.
Most of The Innuits intended at full Moon going to Oo-pung-ne-wing - but as long as Whale Beef lasts they will hang on here.  Innuits around here have had a very easy time of it so far this Winter.  Their only trouble has been opening their deposites & sledging the Beef to their Igloos.  As a general thing while they have anything on hand they await till all is gone before they try hard for more.
XI PM Gale from N.W. continues
Commenced at X this eve.  Capt B. says he is done predicting weather so completely do signs