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1861 Dec 18 Wedns

smith came urging their way into the Igloo of "Mine Host" pushing down the snow door & creeping in.  I was "wide awake" - had just taken a look at my watch & was about to get out to view the weather.  They reported that the prospect was 'middling' - & the Moon was out to light us homeward.  I went out found a large ring around the Moon & thick N. but I gave directions that the dogs be hunted up & harnessed - saying I would get in readiness in the mean time.
As usual it took a long time to get the dogs together.  One of my Greenland dogs wh. had been left by Keeney when he made his trip up here, though we used him on the day I made the trip up the Inlet by Toong-wine was missing.  I determined if possible to find it & take it back to the ship.  It was soon found that Me-lok (for that I think is his name) as soon as he peceived the harnesses about made off - after a long hunt he was discovered - followed - driven toward the Igloos & finally cornered & caught.  A dog belonging to Sharkey was also at Toong-wine called the Se-ko-Se-la dog because it came from there being one of the team of Ook-gook-al-loo & Al-lo-kee,

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1861 Dec 18 Wedns

when they came over from there last year.
By the addition of 2 dogs we had a team of Ten.
I went to the Igloo where I put up & bid all Good bye (Ter bon-e-tie) shaking each by the hand.
Koo-choo-ar-choo when I called at-ta ta (father) in presence of Innuits (wh. made much fun for them whenver I done it) I bid an especial ter-bon-e-tie & taking my things, away I went.
Oo-soo-Kar-loo & Kuf-se-geer Kindly assisted us in hunting up & harnessing the dogs as well as loading the Kum-mi-tie & lashing it.  The skins all on made a large load in appearance tho far from being a heavy one.
At hV-m20 AM started from Toong-wine
The indications by this time were that a storm was coming.  The wind freshened

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1861 Dec 18 Wedns

up blowing a smart breeze - the weather at the N.W. & N was so thick that we could see but a short distance in said directions.  The moon had its circle around looking as if she had adopted the fashion of the ladies in the States where we left them - that of wearing hoops!
Happily the wind was at our backs - thus allowing us to be much more comfortable than if we were going in a direction facing it.
At hVI-m00 AM when opposite the side of Toong-wine where I made 23d Encamp. of Frobisher Bay Discovery trip (where we left Allokee & Koo-muk) we stopped.  It occured to me I had left my Portfolio - or that perhaps I had.  Sending Smith on ahead I & Kook-Smit commenced unlashing for this we had to do to get down to my carpet sack.  I soon happily found all right.  We relashed quickly & started on at a fine rate.
Started VI-15 having made a stop of 15 minutes to see if I had said Portfolio with me.
Arrived Que-zhine VII-30 & stopped beside an ice berg on the lee side for Kook-Smit to 

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1861 Dec 18 Wed.

warm his fingers his mittens being damp.
Started VIII-00 AM
Found the direction we were going filled with hummocky ice - spent 15 minutes in making our way out onto fair travelling ice.  The moon was very sparing of her reflected beams making it difficult to determine what was ahead.  Soon after passing the hummocky ice light from Southerly heavens began to appear.
hIX-m15 Opposite & even Oo-mar-nung where I made 24th Enc. on FB trip
hX-m35 AM By Cape or Point Twer-puk-ju-a
hXI-m00 AM Even with middle Ni-oun-te-lik.
A stop was made here by Kook-Smit & Smith of 20 minutes while I proceeded on
XII-00 (Meridian) Arrived Kus-se-geer ark-ju-a