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[[boxed]] One page in this day's Record [[/boxed]]
Friday Dec 20th 1861
29.3 AM -21[[degree symbol]] Cloudy N.W. Fresh
29.3 M. -20[[degree symbol]] " [[ditto for: Cloudy]] N W Light
29.25 PM -18[[degree symbol]] Fine N W Light
Ar-tark-pa-ru out again to-day, on Kim-mi-tie drawn by 3 dogs, on a deer hunt. Persevering old Innuit - & so much of a cripple that he cannot walk except with long canes in each hand & then with great difficulty. He saw 3 rein-deer but got no shots.
Sledge arrived to-night from up the Bay - have seen deer but no chance for a shot.
Innuits to-day turned out in a body (I mean 
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men Innuits) & went down the Bay sealing.[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]   Ebierbing the only successful one - he captured the only one. It being his first seal of the season, he complied with the Innuit custom, divided it among his people.
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This Evening another birth! Ning-u-ar-pins wife has brought forth a daughter. "Sterry" who lives in same Igloo came aboard during the delivery, said White man (S) lives with Kud-lar-go's widow as his wife!
1 Column in this day's Record
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One Column in this day's Record 
Saturday Dec 21st 1861
29.025 AM +8[[degree symbol]] N.E. Gale thick snow
28.975 M +8[[degree symbol]] N.E. Full Gale very thick snow
28.850 PM +10[[degree symbol]] N.E. " " " " " [[dittos for: Full Gale very thick snow]]
This is a furious Storm we are having. All day has it been snowing - & blowing [[underlined]] terrifically. [[/underlined]] The storm howls - masts qu^[[i]]ver as needs.
The Cabins are almost inundated with the melting frosts that have accumulated throughout the vessel. The births are wet - the bedding receiving showers 
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{ Breakfast = Whale - Coffee & Sea bread
{ Dinner = Pemican & B.M. biscuit - solid food
{ Supper = tough Whale Coffee - [[underlined]] no bread. [[/underlined]]
The Sun reachest its lowest Southern Declination to-day.  To-morrow it begins to come back again.  Good!
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[[image - [[cross]] Dec 22d, 1861
{ This & another 
{ column this 
{ Day's Record
28.75 AM +11[[degree symbol]] N.E. Gale broke but strong Cloudy
28.8 M +12[[degree symbol]] N.E. Fresh  Cloudy
28.9 PM +7[[degree symbol]] Calm Stars Aurora
Some of the Boats that were laying around on the ice near the vessel were turned over & over by the Gale of yesterday & last night.  One that lain out about 2 ship's length N.E. from the ship
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was rolled over & over till brought up along side the ship. Miner's boat out on the Island, near by made several summersets but no considerable damage was received by any of them. Much snow fell during the gale - more than at any other one storm of the Winter.
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[[strikethrough]] Make [[/strikethrough]] Mate Rogers made a trial to-day of some of the Whale tongue! [[strikethrough]] To-day [[/strikethrough]] But it would ^[[not]] go down.  It took him a long time to bring his natural taste back after the taste of said tongue.
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Dick Comstock is down for Mate Lamb to get some Ook-sook & eatables. No success yet in getting rein-deer.
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This has been a very busy day aboard The "George Henry" - distributing tobacco, breaking out a Cask of "Black Skin" & several of the Aft hands preparing to take their departure from ^[[the ship]] - four for Budington Bay (Oo-Kood-lear) & Smith for an Inlet in Countess of Warwick's Sound.  They go to live with the Innuits. Others will get ready in a few days to go to Oo-pung-ne-wing.
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Breakfast Whale Coffee & Sea Bread
Dinner Duff & molasses under the circumstances never relished any eating better. What a luxury for a hungry man! [[underlined]] In truth [[/underlined]] I never thought I would have enjoyed such a dish so [[underlined]] inexpressibly! [[/underlined]] Supper - Black-Skin & Coffee.
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(2 Columns in this Day's Record)
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[[boxed]] 2 Columns in 
this Day's 
Monday Dec 23d 1861
29.075 AM -7[[degree symbol]] N W Light [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] 
29.125 M -5[[degree symbol]] N W Very Light [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] 
29.225 PM -11[[degree symbol]] N W Light [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] 
Smith (Robt.) started off for Frobisher Bay sick with Old Man Innuit ^[[& family]] this Morning.  Great stir among the Innuits about, for Whale all gone, or nearly so. What are we to do for Whale?  We have got so that we really like it. All we have had in way of Whale Beef we have been dependant on the natives.
At 1-30 P.M. Comstock & an Innuit with small team of dogs started off up the Bay with sledge loaded with Black Skin &c for Lamb & the natives.
To-morrow morning early the party for Budington Bay start off.
The party consists of "Bill", Keeney, Morgan, [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] Bailey [[/strikethrough]] Bailey & "Nimrod" (the hunter - Sailor-boy). Bailey however will follow in 2 or 3 days as he is to wait for his Kod-lins Winter (Native) breeches to be completed. The Innuit "Sharkey" is to go with this party with dogs & sledge. He is now in Main Cabin 

Transcription Notes:
Edited to denote inserts, strikethroughs, and other