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1861 Dec 23 Mon

awaiting the Moon to rise wh. will be about 1/2 past 11.  He is on hand - has the dogs all in harness & made fast to the vessel.  The men who start off have been very busy all day - some burning & grinding Coffee (?) (Beans)! & others doing other work.
Capt B. tells them that he shall give six Cakes of Bread apiece & that is all (4 Cakes make a lb in weight).  "Sharkey" the laughing noble hearted Innuit has turned in - that is he has laid himself down on a sea chest where is sleeping sound as an Innuit Dog - or in a more general sense sound as a log!
{ Breakfast = "Salt Junk", Coffee & Sea bread
{ Dinner = Flippers & molasses  [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] eating - a truth.
{ Supper = Black Skin Coffee & bread
Were able to get a little Whale beef of the natives to-day

(2 Columns in this Day's Record)

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8 Columns in this Day's Record
Tuesday, Dec 24 1861

29.300  AM  -15  N W  Light  [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] 
29.350  M  -15  N.W.  Calm  Fog  Sun [[?dogs]]
29.375  PM  -11°  N W  Light stars over head but thick around Aurora to night

Keeney, Morgan & party were off at 4 this morning - not so early as they expected to start.  The dogs which "Sharkey" made fast along side the vessel last night, kept up a constant fight during most of the night making hideous noises so that none but an Innuit could sleep.
The history of the "heavy stone" (Relic which I found on Look Out Island) developed to-day!  (Found Wedns. Sept. 5th, 1860 learned its history to-day in one year 3 months 19 Days from its discovery)  Not until to-day have I been able to find [[underlined]] how [[/underlined]]  or at [[underlined]] what [[/underlined]] time the Iron relic wh. I found on "Look-Out" Island called by Innuits "Ki-Kik-tung", wh. means (Mik-i-ook o-loo) small Island) got there.
By the assistance of Capt B. & Mate Gardiner, I conversed with several of the Innuits who were in the Main Cabin.
Shev-ek-koo says that it was brought from 

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1861 Dec 24 Tues

Kuf-se-geer-ar-ju-a in the [[underlined]] Oo-mi-er [[/underlined]] (Woman's skin Boat) by An-na-wa & Ma-nab-ing which Boat was wrecked there on "Look-Out" Island in the fall when Kud-lar-go went to America with Capt Budington.  They with their families went to Kus-se-geer-ark-ju-a for Took-too hunting & when they left there, brought said Relic in the Oo-mi-er & left it on Ki-Kik-tung (Look-Out Island) where I found it last year (Sep 5 1860)
An-na-wa & Ma-nab-ing [[?owened]] the Oo-mi-er together.  They brought said "heavy-stone" in the Oo-mier in the fall that Kud-loo-go went to America (1859).  A heavy gale prevailed while they & their families were encamped on the Island during which said Oo-mi-er was totally wrecked.

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1861 Dec 24 Tues

The frame of this Oo-mi-er I have seen many times on the NW side of "Look-Out".  A good part of it has been consumed by the whaling crew of the "George Henry" while landed on the Island looking out for whales.  They made fires of it by wh. to warm themselves during their watchings for Whales.
This accounts for not finding said relic at Kuf-see-geer-ark-ju-a on Wednesday last when I made a stop & search there.
When I found this relic (wh. I now have) Sept. 5th 1860, I knew not what to make of it.  Nothing else of the kind could I find on the Island.  I thought it must be an AErolite.  Having brought it from the Island in a boat & having it aboard I began an investigation of its character.  I applied the file &