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1862 Jan. 2d Thurs.

to the conclusion of adding this to my original purpose = to make a Winter trip up Frobisher Bay, surveying all the Bays on the N.W. Coast up to the head & then down on "King-aite" side as far as practicable.
There are several Bays on said N.W. Coast that I could but take a look into as I passed along up on my exploring trip last Summer.  I wish to penetrate every Bay, every Inlet - to the head of each.  One especially (1/2 way up to the head) which I named 'Grinnell Inlet', after my honored & esteemed friend Henry Grinnell of N.Y.  This Inlet is from 20 to 25 miles deep.
To accomplish this, the 2d trip, I propose to occupy three months, starting about the middle of this month.  Of course I expect to have much bad weather the severest obliging me to keep within Igloo.  I shall try & make up my company of Innuits of a quality to my liking.  Had I the means I should

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1862 Jan 2 Thurs

employ the assistance of some one belonging to the "George Henry".
As it is, I must again try to do with Innuits though I trust with less annoyance than I experienced before.
About 5 O'Clock this Eve Capt. B. came into the little aft Cabin & asked me my opinion about dealing out the Pemican daily to the hands - saying it would not do to give them Salt Junk or salt pork as the first thing we should find Scurvy would have all hands (forward) down with it.  I asked Capt B. to be seated beside me.  I then told him my plans for the Winter & Spring - after wh. I told him that I had concluded to confer with him relative to my retaining three Cans of the Pemican & one Cask Borden's Meat Biscuit to enable me to carry out those plans - adding that by having these, I calculated to make them last me (with the addition of what fresh meats I could procure of Innuits as necessity might demand) from now to our arrival at New London, Ct.  Capt B.

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1862 Jan 2 Thurs

assured me that whatever plans I had & desired to carry out he should cheerfully acquiesce in except that when aboard he could not bare the idea of my not participating in sharing the usual fare of the ship as usual.  [[underlined]] See remainder of this in this Column. [[/underlined]]
Capt. B. within my hearing just now (VI-00 PM) he standing by the mast wh. runs up beside the table in the Main Cabin, has expressed himself in such language - in such a way before some of his officers & me that I feel amply repaid in my heart for the deed which it prompted me to do in contributing what I did for the good of the George Henry's company.
Said he: 'I know not what I should have done if it not been for this Pemican Mr H. has let us have.  Little did we think when we took it aboard in New London that it was ever going to do [[underlined]] us [[/underlined]] (he & his men) any good.  And it is that alone that is going to carry us through this trying Winter.
These men that have returned must have something.  It will not do to give them salt junk & salt pork.  We have now no means of cooking it - [[underlined]] have not the fuel [[/underlined]] & if we had, it would be dealing out death to give them salt meats now.  This pemican saves us.  Thus Capt. B. with a heart full

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1862 Jan 2 Thurs.

of thankfulness expressed himself.

The continuation of 5th line from top 9th Column.
Capt. B. after remarking as just observed relative to acquiescing in my plans, save that of cutting myself off from sharing with him when aboard, asked me if I thought I could spare the rest of the Pemican?  I replied:  Capt. B.  It is for [[underlined]] You [[/underlined]] to say if it will be congenial with your plans that I retain what I have named for the purposes indicated, as I in a written instrument, you are aware, placed the Pemican &c at your disposal when it was found we could not get out of here last Oct.
In this interview the bearing of Capt. B. was of such a character that had he ever given occasion for me to feel offended, my heart could not but now forgive & forget.  Indeed he showed me the [[underlined]] true [[/underlined]] bottom of his heart in this interview, which was none other than what excited the most lively feelings of gratitude that he [[underlined]] is [[/underlined]] one of my best - one