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1862  Jan 11 Sat.

friends of Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too.  They always keep together.
I went over with Ebierbing to his Igloo to-night.  I had a fine visit - continued it an hour.  During the evening's  talk both E. & T. said they had heard Innuits who had come from Ar-gum-ne-une sometimes pronounced Ar-gum-e-uke talk about Ig-loo-lik, Am-i-ti-oke & Tee-noo-nee.  Innuits sometimes arrive at Tu-nuk-jok-ping (Northumberland Inlet) from Ig-loo-lik & Ar-gum-ne-une.  They started in the Winter with sledges drawn by dogs making their way along slowly & when getting 1/2 way finished the rest of the distance in Oo-me-ens.  
Where Ar-gum-ne-une is I cannot make out but it is by a channel extending from below Ig-loo-lik to Baffin's Bay.  Whale ships sometimes have come in sight of Ar-gum-ne-une.  I am inclined to think it is by what is called Scott's Inlet on the Charts.  The Channel is said by these friends as told them by Innuits who came from there to be covered with ice [[underlined]] all the year [[/underlined]]

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1862 Jan 11 Sat

[[underlined]] sometimes. [[/underlined]]  This happens when the Summer is a cold one.  When a Summer is hot the ice goes away.
Another place may answer for Ar-gum-ne-une - South side of what is called Home Bay.
Capt B. says there is an Inlet called by Innuits Ar-gum-e-uke near Brodie Bay - that it makes in & circles around till it comes out into Davis Strait again thus forming an Island.  From there down the coast Innuits numerous.
Tuk-oo-li-too says that Amitoke means narrow land.
Too-noo-nee is the name applied to land on the opposite side from the Sun.
Bailey has not yet returned.  He intended to start to-day but all the dogs engaged.  Mate Gardiner & Keeney go to Oo-Kood-lear (Budington Bay) when Kood-loo goes with his family.

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1862 Jan 11 Sat.

To-night I went up & measured Distance [[symbol: Moon]] & [[symbol: Venus]] (simply approximating) for the object to determine whether to-day was really the 11th Jan or not.

[[symbol: Moon]] E. of Meridian
Watch  hVI-m24 P.M.  [[symbol: Moon]] & [[symbol: Venus]]  Distance 89-15'

Turning to the Nautical Almanac, I find that at hIX-00 Mean Time at Greenwich on the 11th the distance of Moon & Venus to be 88°-38'-32" therefore it must be the 11th Jan 1862!  This will be explained in Monday's Record, Jan 13th - or on some subsequent day.

Compared Rescues Chro & Watch
Chro  hXI-m26-s40
W.  VI-40-00 (PM)
Diff. W & C  h4-m46-s40

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1862 Jan 11 Sat

Compare Chros.
R's  hXI-30-37 (74
Vide Jan 8th  G.H.  Xi-09-00
R's Fast on G.H.  m21-s37 [[checkmark]] Vide 21st

Sharkey & his wife (Innuits) started off for Countess of Warwick's Sound this Morn with the others name at the commencement this day's Record.
At IX to night Ther 62° Below freezing point, with a fresh breeze from N.W.  Aurora Fine!
I enjoined both Tuk-oo-li-too & Ebierbing to have long & frequent talks Old Oo-Koo-jox-y-ni-noo this winter about the ships & White men of long time ago that came into Frobisher Bay.  Frobisher's Expedition.  I mean Exps of 1576-7 & 8

Breakfast = Coffee & Bread.
Dinner = Pemican
Supper = Coffee