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(3 pages)

Monday Jan 13 1862

29.37  AM  -34°  N W  Light  Cloudy
29.37  M  -31°  N N W  " " [[dittos for: Light Cloudy]]
28.95  PM  -31°  N.N.W.  Hazy

The Innuit hunters Koo-jes-se, Jim Crow & Hiram were up early & on the move.  It was decided that the latter should return up the Bay to where the Igloos are as Koo-jes-se & Jim Crow were fearful that this young Innuit would be too much exposed in remaining out with them to-night.
Bailey returned to the plains this Morning being accompanied by Hiram.  Dick Comstock concluded not go back at present, therefore he remains at the vessel.
Koo-jes-se & Jim Crow exercised considerable foresight in preparing their food for to-night's consumptions.  They took Black Skin & cut the ook-sook portion into little squares each of mouthful size, thus [[image: drawing]] that they might not be obliged to use the knife while in their cold Igloo to-night.
This party when night is upon them will make a very small Igloo of just sufficient size to contain the two - then they will enter

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1862 Jan 13 Mon

it, seal up the entrance & lay themselves down on a snow bed for a night's sleep.
Capt. B. renewed the poultices of Fluker's feet this Morning.  He says they were very hot, steam arising in volumes as the feet were taken from beneath the bedding.  Fluker has no sensation of feeling in his toes this morning.  To-morrow morning will more fully give proof of what has to be done with the effected limbs.
The Ship's Company commenced the embankment of the vessel this morning with blocks of snow.  "Spikes" said to Capt. B. that he felt he could do more work - [[underlined]] twice the work [[/underlined]] - he could last winter.  Others of the hands corroborated what "Spikes" said relative to themselves.
While Capt. B. was down forward attending to the dressing of Fluker's feet, the sailors were making a Copper full of pemican soup.  "Spikes" made the following remark to Capt. B. in proof of his & companions thankfulness that under the circumstances they were blessed with so rich, healthy food as pemican:
'We wish every time we may come up into this Country that the ship may have aboard somebody whose purpose

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1862 Jan 13 Mon

is to seek for Franklin & his men.  As it has turned out in this case, Mr. H's provision saves us.'
Tuk-oo-li-too visited me today.  She came aboard this Morning X O'Clk & remained till after 3 P.M.  I invitedher to share with me in my breakfast wh. consisted of Coffee, bread & Fried Venison.  After dinner T. was treated to a bowl of Pemmican & Borden Meat biscuit soup all of which she liked much.
Conversing with Tukoolitoo relative to the Kinds of Needles the Innuits used in sewing their garments a long, long time ago, she said they were made of Walrus Ivory - then afterwards Innuits made needles of iron wh. material they obtained from Seko-Selah Innuits.  When ships began to come here (1839) then were supplied with steel needles.
Kood-loo started off this morning with his family & effects.  Ebierbing went with him to bring back dogs & sledge.  Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too with the infant Tuk-er-lik-e-ta intend to be off in the morning if weather be favorable.  E. & T. are happy to think they are going to accompany me to America.  Yet they have forebodings about the passage in the ship agreeing with their dear babe.

Breakfast = Coffee Bread Venison
Dinner = Pemican & Borden M.B.
Supper = Coffee & Bread

(3 pages in this day's R)

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Tuesday Jan 14, 1862

28.90  AM  -30°  Gale  N W  Cloudy thick snow drift.
28.975  M  -30  Gale  N.W.  " " " "  [[dittos for: Cloudy thick snow drift.]]
29.025  PM  -32  Gale  N W  hazy " " [[dittos for: snow drift]]

This Morning at X-30 AM Ook-Sin & "Hiram", (the latter Old Artarkparu's son who went up yesterday) arrived from the plains up the Bay.  They came with Kum-mi-tie & dogs for Ook-sook & black-skin.  The following note was sent by Mate Lamb:

[[quotation]] "Captain,
Sir, I wish you would let the Steward send my quilt & blanket up to me & my comforter.  It is over the door.  I am very thankful to you for what you have sent me & may God bless you for it.
Bailey arrived safe & sound here.  I was off all day yesterday (that is Saturday) & brought home a deer that was shot.  The boy & Shorty (Ook Sin) froze their faces but I did not.  I hope that we may get some more deer soon for you & if we do, I shall send it to you if I have to go hungry myself, for I know that you need fresh meat more than I do.  Captain, I hope that you will not worry