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Tuesday 21, 1862

29.062  AM  -26°  N W  Fresh  Fair
29.300  M  -26°  N W  " [[ditto for: Fresh]]  [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
29.350  PM  -30°  N W  " [[ditto for: Fresh]]  [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] (Aurora)

This Morning I commence making record of the position of magnetic needle for purpose of determining its daily variations.

VIII AM = 1°-30' E of N
2 PM = 2°-25' E of N
VIII PM  0-30' E of N
X- PM  [[symbol: Zero]]  (N)

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1862 Jan 21 Tues

Compare Chros
See 11th Jan.
R's  h3-m12-s05 2h/10
G.H's  2-50-00
R's Fast GH's  22-05
Vide 28 Jan

"Hiram, the Innuit from the Plains down this Morning with a small team of dogs.  His errand was for some medicine for his older brother "Jim Crow", both the sons of Old Artarkparu - the complaint Rheumatism in his side & leg.
"Hiram" brings good news also - Koo-jes-se shot another rein-deer yesterday with my rifle!
Capt. B. prepared a plaster & some medicine & sent back by "Hiram".
It is now XII-30 P.M. & it is reported that "Bill" & Morgan with an Innuit are approaching the vessel.

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1862 Jan 21 Tues.

Arrival of two of the Ship's Company nearly dead of starvation!  Edward Morgan & William [[space]] the parties.
While engaged in the little Aft Cabin preparing to draw off in tabular form all the observations I have made since my arrival in Rescue Bay, Capt. B. came down and announced that Morgan & "Bill" were on their return from Oo-Kood-lear (Budington Bay).
A few minutes after, Morgan & "Bill" entered the Main Cabin with feeble steps - hardly able to speak.
At first sight, they had the unmistakable appearance of cold enfeebled men.
It was but a moment before they announced their condition in words.

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1862 Jan 21 Tues

They had been without food for many days save a pittance now & then.
These parties departed for Budington Bay on Tuesday morning Dec 25th/61 for the object of living 2 or 3 months with the Innuits.  Keeney & "Nimrod" the sailor boy accompanied.  The former (Keeney) returned to the vessel in three days, Dec 27 making the excuse that he came aftr his bed.  Spending 20 days aboard the vessel Keeney started back for Oo-Kood-lear Jan 16th accompanying Gardiner, Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too.
It is just 4 weeks to-day since Morgan & "Bill" (with the others named) left the vessel.
Morgan & "Bill" say that they have not eaten what would average 3 ounces a day.  But 3 seals obtained by the Innuits where they stopped - the place on East side Budington Bay beyond Rogers Island.
Ugarny & John Bull killed a Ni-noo but so distant that could not bring it in till the dogs