Viewing page 6 of 223

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68 - 21 [[underlined]]
      7.1 [[/underlined]]
68° - 14.9 [[° or number 8?]]
[[line across page, top line of an image of a square bisected by a diagonal line from upper left corner to lower right corner.  Top left corner of square is marked "16 ENC."  Lower right corner marked "17 ENC."  Inside the square are what appear to be coordinates as follows:
Long. 15 Enc 69 - 02
16th (&13) "      68 - 47
17th       "      68 - 21
18th       "      68 - 14
[[To the right of the above longitudinal values there are the following numbers]]

By open curly bracketing of the three longitudinal values. There is a faint, large circle partially within the square with unclear relation to the square.  There are two points marked on the circle at 12 o'clock, four-thirty o'clock, and six o'clock.  

At 12 o'clock mark the following is written to the right.
13y [[u/c?]]

Line across page forms the bottom line of the square image.  On the left side of the page below the square there are the following notations written as follows:
17th Enc 9.7 Miles E. of 16th Enc
17th  "  8.1   "   S.    16    "
[[Giltmer or Dictnner?]] direct [[closed curly bracket]] = 12.8
from 16th Enc.
Direction 17th Enc from 16 [[caret]] th Enc S. 49° E.
17 [[caret]] th Enc Lat. by w/c [[?]] 63° -30' N.
Long. 68-21 W.[[G?.]]
On the right side of the page below the square there are the following notations and computations written as follows:
[[within brackets]] 26.77 miles (Nautical)
Make a degree
at Lat 63° - 30' [[strikethrough]] NW? [[/strikethrough]] [[close brackets]]
26,77)10000 [[underline]] 
       8031 [[/underline]]
        19690 [[?]]
(.37 = [[strikeout Miles North [[/strikeout]]
.37 of a mile North Equals 1 [[Gauge?]]
.37)9.7 (26.02 [[underlined]]
    7 4 [[4 overwriting the number 3]] [[/underlined]]
    2 3 0 [[underlined]]
    2 2 2 [[/underlined]]
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
Not familiar with map coordinates, nomenclature, just transcribed what I saw as laid out on the page. ENC is the abbreviation for Electronic Navigation Chart- KJ