Viewing page 7 of 223

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[in black ink]]
[[/black in]]
[[in red ink]]
Preceeding this matter _ See Oblong Book, orig. notes, No of book [[circled]] 7° [[/circled]] commencing fr. [[circled]] 61 [[/circled]]
[[initials]] [[underlined]] FH. [[/underlined]]  
[[/in red ink]]
[[entire rest of the page is crossed out with a large "x" all the way across the page.]]

17th Enc Sextant Anylis - Sept 13/61
[[circumpunct]] Marked peak in Cape 1 Mile ahead carried to left to [[insert]] Bluff [[/insert]] 
[[Ke-Ki-tuk-juu?]] 52°-02'

Bluff carried to N. End Ki 3°- 45'

[[circumpunct]] Marked peaks carried to Rt. to Peak of Mt. Kin-gaite 33°-05'

supposed Peak called Peak in distance at 16th Enc carried to [[circumpunct]] Marked Mt on Cape 66°-55'

[[circumpunct]] Marked Peak in Cape [[arrived?]] to left + to Ex that we are to round 12°-25'

Small Bay by 2 Rivers carried or brot across to the left to supposed Peak in distance 117°-51'

[[line is drawn from the left hand side of page to the right separating top text from bottom notations]]

Az C  B
Ex of land by 16th Enc                 [[tick]] 334°
[[circumpunct]] Marked Peak of the Cape [[tick]] 167
Supposed Peak in distance               [[tick]] 102
Ki-Ki-Tuck-ju-a Bluff                 [[tick]] 220

[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
I thought this page was pretty accurate when last posted for review. Someone has gone in and made what appear to be incorrect changes. "Circumpunct" is better than "dot in a circle." "Kim-garth" should be "Kin-gaite." "I Rivers" should be "2 Rivers" as shown on the map. "Ki-tuck ju-u" should be transcribed "Ki-Ki-tuk-ju-a" as it is throughout the notes.