Viewing page 12 of 223

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[[entire page crossed out with a large X across entire page. Left margin notes also individually X'd out]]
[[In the left hand margin in the middle of the page]]
[[strikethrough]] now about 2 1/2 miles good town place [[illegible]] 17 enc [[/strikethrough]]

[[Top of page]]
An hour has been spent in skinning + cutting up Rein-deer - of Course any thing in way of pleasing themselves all night but when I have work for them all wrong with them-
Mts of Kin-gaite covered with snow No ice seen in the upper part of the Bay
A sand bottom making the water [[?look]] of bright ^[[green]] color all around here Now 38 Rein-deer by the 3 hunters - At 12 Meridian a snow storm commenced from S.E.

[[To the left of following text in margin handwritten]] [[strikethrough]] Start hIV-m25 [[/strikethrough]]

As [[Koo-per-ne-ung?]] & I made near the spot where he shot Tuck-too saw the other Boat whenst crossing the bight making in after rounding the Cape.

[[To the left of following text in margin handwritten]] [[strikethrough]] Stop V-45 [[circled]] 10 [[/circled]] [[/strikethrough]]

At V-45 stop at small Island - to displace some of the things to get at a place to dip water out of boat. 2" & last stop VI-30 at 18th enc on a/c snow storm - espy the Tupiks of other party already up.

[[In the left hand margin the following is written]] [[strikethrough]] Start IV-66 [[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] Stop VI-30 [[circled]] 8 [[/circled]]
18th enc.
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
"enc" = encampment. See page 11 for where deer was shot; page 419 in Hall's book "Arctic Researches, And Life Among The Esquimaux: Being A Narrative Of An Expedition In Search Of Sir John Franklin In The Years 1860, 1861 and 1862." Note to SI: After transcribing some of the X'd out pages and later pages with some of the same material, I wonder if Hall at some point decided to rewrite some earlier pages, Xing them out as he went??? mandc