Viewing page 13 of 223

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[[image: Hand-drawn map in black ink and faded brown ink is placed on the upper left hand portion of the page, with following annotations]]

The 2 rivers
16 th enc [[encampment]]
Little Bay 
[[circled]] 17 enc[[/circled]] 
x Obs. Pt x seen Cape [[circled]] A [[/circled]] 
Mt in Distance   
High Mt [[circled]] S [[/circled]] 
18th enc 
Small slope  
[[circled]] B [[/circled]]  
[[a single dot is placed inside the mountain sketch with a dashed line extending towards the bottom portion of the page where it corresponds to a notation in the text regarding Mt. B.]]

[[Handwritten portion of page]]

|-From    17th to 18th enc. 4.2 miles
|-Course  (2.5 miles) 149°Azc = 2?7°[[true?]]
|-Course  (1.7 miles) 154°Azc = 2227 true
A.M. W light cloudy
M    W Fresh "
P.M. W Fresh "

+ Sept 15th/61

Burning fever 18th enc Point A [[A is encircled]]
[Ex. of] Cape 320°
"Peak of Mt S [[S is encircled]] 1 mile off                  [[tick]]27°
Direction over Cape of what I think to be                    [[tick]]333°
17th enc Island
Fog the other side of Bay preventing sighting Mt B [[B is encircled]] bearing----                                                    [[tick]]134°

[[curvy bracket or squiggle line to the left of the following text with an [[illegible]] underlined word written to the left of the line.]]

Exact point in Cape when we got the deer                      [[tick]]329°
Eminence of observation on Cape                               [[tick]]343°
   we werent to direct from said Point                   [[tick]]334°
of obs (Ki-Ki-tuck-ju-u [[underlined in red ink]] [[illegible writing in red ink]]                      [[tick]] 268° [[underlined in red ink]] [[number 3 encircled to the right of numbers with a line drawn from the circle to the degree mark]]
of [[extreme?]] [[underlined in red ink]] "  " [[written in red ink]] [[tick]] 265° [[underlined in red ink]]
" [[S Ex?]] [[underlined in red ink]]" [[written in red ink]] [[260?]]

Transcription Notes:
Page is dated 15 September 1861. See pp 417 & 418 in Hall's "Arctic researches and life among the Esquimaux."