Viewing page 14 of 223

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[[Hand-drawn circle in center of the page possibly indicating octant/sextant measurements.]]
[[Handwritten text at top of page above the circle]]
17th  [[strikethrough illegible]] 18 enc 4.2 miles
[[Course?]] 149° for 2.5 " [[Frm?]] + V68 = [[Frm?]] 217
            154   "  1.7 "       +68 = 222
[[line drawn above and below]] [[?]] Long Scale
[[There are four marks to the exterior line of the circle; one mark at 12 o'clock,one at 5 o'clock and one at 6 o'clock. There are three lines drawn through the circle. The first line starts at 11 o'clock with the notation 17 enc and travels vertically down the page intersecting roughly the 7 o'clock point and extending out for about 2 inches. The second line starts at the same 11 o'clock point with 17 enc notation and extends to the bottom right hand corner of the page and ends right before reaching the 5 o'clock mark. At the concluding dot 18th enc is written to the right hand of the dot. There is a double arrow drawn at roughly 4:50 o'clock with 222 = 2.5 written to the right of the arrow. Next to the 5'o'clock mark is written 217 = 1.7. The third line extends from the concluding dot with the 18th enc notation vertically up the page and intersects the outer line of circle at roughly 1 o'clock and terminates approximately one inch beyond the circle. To the bottom right of the 6 o'clock mark is written 17 enc 63-30N
[[underline with a strikethrough above it]]
    63 - 26.75
[[There are markings at roughly 7 o'clock possibly 69/2 enc?]] ]]

[[In the lower left hand portion of the page there are calculations that are partially obscured by ink leaking through the previous page.]]

18th enc 3.25 miles S of 17th enc
18 "     2.63       E of 17

Lt 18th enc. 63°-26.75 N    .37) 2.63 (7.1
Long 18 "    68° - 14 W [[illegible]]

[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
Outline of shoreline sketched in ink on previous page 13 has bled through and left an outline and blots on page 14.