Viewing page 24 of 223

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P.M. Obs at 19th Enc (place of 9th)
[[image: cross]] Sept. 15/1861
[[Note: Balance of page, bearings and text are crossed out with X's]]
h       m   s
VIII - 31 - 40    34[[degree symbol]] - 00[[degree symbol]]
       33 - 00    33 - 45
VIII - 34 - 17    33 - 30
VIII  38-06  [[circumpunct]] tr     
                 45[[degree symbol]] - 30[[feet symbol]]
      39 05                         
                           45 - 40
      40 - 12                         
                           45 - 55
VIII  42-00                32[[degree symbol]] - 00
As Company Being Same --    93[[degree symbol]]
Small mark on Hill or Mt at the right to [[circumpunct]] Marked W 95[[degree symbol]] - 39[[feet symbol]]
As we came up the channel between Islands that lie across the Bay in direction & commencing at Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a found tide running very swiftly - made no headway for 1/2 hour tho' under sail & oars.
Crossed from Last place up in [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 1 hour 
making full 4 knots per hr. In that time [[strikethrough]] limited [[/strikethrough]] mark the shore as near it of NE side Bay. Come to next rock - a kind of yellow brick red wh. now is the character of rocks covered mostly with soft moss 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: Removed 'end of page' not required of single page transcriptions. Replaced degree and feet symbols with text.