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[[left margin]]
0h m
1-40 [[encircled]] 6 [[/encircled]]
on Island
Commencement of Big Bays
To much wind & heavy Sea!
[[/left margin]]
Start from Noo-ook-too-ul-lo
Oh m
19th (& 9 Enc) Enc, press on XII-10
But time to commence the 
Time[[guess]]& I Koo-jes-se get aboard
XII-45 (VII-45 A.M.)
Under Sail Wind S.E.
Sea rough - The Island on Kin-gaite
side close with the group across
from Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a No 3 on the
one [[strikethrough]] new Ho [[/strikethrough]] nearest Head of F. Bay
A line of Islands shoot out
from [[underlined]] this [[/underlined]] side of Big Bay we
are now about to pass -
No snow on the Islands -
h m 
Stop 1 40 20th Encampment on account
of strong wind & heavy sea - Boat shipped much
[[line with circles across the page]]
[ Ob. on Island 20th Encampment
[ [[sun symbol]] Marked Mt. Kin-ge side of Last
[ night Az comp - 95[[degree symbol]] - 00[[feet symbol]] [[strikethrough]] 96[[degree symbol]] - 00[[feet symbol]] [[/strikethrough]]
[ Peak Mt. of Island wh. Koo-jes se & 
[ I [[strikethrough]] wasnt [[/strikethrough]] on [[strikethrough]] this [[/strikethrough]] one hour since = 77 - [ 00
[[blue ink]] ^[[ [I move on one hour since] ]] 
[[/blue ink]]
As we cannot cross the ^[[Large]] Bay by wh. we are near Encampment (20 Enc) for the reason of Wind & "White Caps", both boats & parties [[strikethrough]] cont [[/strikethrough]] are to remain here to-day & night - a storm is upon us - not a chance for a single observation from Lat. since leaving 16th Enc.

Transcription Notes:
F. Bay probably Frobishers's Bay. Bearings are given in degrees, minutes [apostrophe symbol for minutes, not feet] and seconds ["].