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[[Note: Text on page is crossed through with a large 'X' ]]
Kooperneung shot this PM on the Island a Rabbit - a beautiful looking animal with its winter dress on - snow white fur - Last eve he shot 2 nowyers - the number of these game birds my party has killed I do not know - it is large however.
To-night Twe-roong sent her wing-a ^[[in to me]] [[strikthrough]] me [[/strikethrough]] with a generous dish of cooked Nowyers.
This sick woman is very kind to me. - She has stolen away many a pain that otherwise would have clung to me.
I made an exchange with old Allokee of some tobacco for dried tuck-too meat to-day. I deeply regret the poor health I have had [[underlined]]& still have [[/underlined]] - on this voyage. My blood is bad - it needs the investigation & proper remedies of my good friend Dr. O. E. Newton of Cincinnati. A snow storm is now upon us - it may keep us here longer than to-day. - I have concluded to write my Notes in pencil transcribing when I get aboard - I am unable in my present health to do otherwise.

The Island - [[underlined in red, then black ink]] long Island [[/underlined]] that stretches directly [[underlined in red, then black ink]] across the large bay [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin in red]]
[[enclosed]] As I looked to the North [[/enclosed]]
[[/left margin in red]]
by wh. we are encamped is Ki-ki-tuk-ju-a No 2 - the one of that above being No 3 of that name - the No 1 is seen lifting its far off Peak from the centre of F. Bay
Koo-o-lik-tune is the Innuit name of Bay & land around it by wh. we have 20 enc.

Transcription Notes:
"tuck-too" == caribou "Twe-roong" wife of Miner. "nowyer" == type of game bird I wonder if the pages x'ed out are related to this statement: "I have concluded to write my Notes in pencil transcribing when I get aboard - I am unable in my present health to do otherwise."Once transcribed he may have x'ed out the page as finished? "F. Bay" == Frobisher Bay? "wing-a" == husband It may rather be that Hall rewrote some pages later this notebook and X'd out the pages as he finished?