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[[Note: text on this page has an 'X' marked through all]]
It is astonishing the number of souls & the quantity [[strikethrough]] [[?]] the Innuits [[/strikethrough]] of things a boat will carry. One seeing either of the Boats when [[/underlined]] all aboard [[underlined]] & under way - particularly when a heavy sea & strong wind prevail - would think any one 'fool-hardy' to venture in them. But we get along with an occasional 'Wash', without, as yet any mishap.
Snow storm this eve thick & indication of long continuance.
The snow melts as it falls upon the Tupiks making ^[[such as are of Canvass]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] drip upon all within. [[strikethrough]] This is [[/strikethrough]] ^[[ours of canvass thus making it]] bad especially in my present ^[[ill health]] [[strikethrough]] state [[/strikethrough]] while I can keep dry I can keep comfortable ^[[as to symptoms]] - but ^[[when clothing & bedding are wet it seems impossible.]]

Transcription Notes:
"Tupic" == Tent