Viewing page 35 of 223

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41st Day out  21st Enc.  Same Cape as 7th

Wednes Sept 18/61    AM N. Fresh Cloudy
                      M     " " [[dittos for Fresh Cloudy]] 
                      PM N. " " [[dittos for Fresh Cloudy]]
Bearing of [[circumpunct]] [[?Marked]] Mt 95°
        of Ex. of Island of Obn [[circled]] A [[/circled]]  80 [[circled]] A [[/circled]]
        of Ex at Entrance Big Bay [[circled]] B [[/circled]]  318° [[circled]] B [[/circled]]
[[image: sketch of coastline with following annotations]]
A  [[circled]] A [[/circled]]
9th Enc
B [[circled]] B [[circled]]
Big Bay
20 Enc

Now all closed from view by thick snow storm!

[[two lines drawn across page]]

[[image: sketch of coastline with following annotations]]
Bay Bays Extreme
A   B   E side
W. side

Lt Tong  K K    [[circled]] A [[/circled]]  314
Rt  " [[ditto for Tong]]  B  301
Point C  Trend of Bay this side   [[circled]] 315 [[/circled]]  Imp[[??]]
To Apparent Bottom of Bay over Ki  308
Exx alt point as it appears from my stand point of 19 Enc. 60°

Transcription Notes:
This page coincides with pp 424-425 of Hall's book " Arctic Researches, And Life Among The Esquimaux: Being A Narrative Of An Expedition In Search Of Sir John Franklin In The Years 1860, 1861." Encampment 20: "Mary's Island is in lat. 63 �22' N., long. 67� 38' W." "Kingaite" Eskimo name for "Meta Incognita" Unknown Limits" southern Baffin Island discovered and claimed by Martin Frobisher in 1577 for Queen Elizabeth I who named it.