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[[image - line drawing of a coastline running down the middle top half of page. Land right, water left. Appears to be portion of the diagram on page 57. The small pendulous peninsula is marked "Point of Ob. An A in the small cove beside the peninsula with the note "1/10 mile dis." There are two other adjacent small coves and one is marked B, 1 mile dis." Three other small proms. are designated C 1 1/2, D 2 mi., and E.
In the left margin there is a note 'Stop IX-45' with line running to the peninsula.]]
A 267
B 205
C 178
D 162
E 154 Ex of Land seen this our course
Ex of Land seen on K-gate Side 156
Some of Mts opposite on K gate side 
[[image - sketch of three, steep, conical mountains]]

Transcription Notes:
'end of page' not required when single page