Viewing page 87 of 223

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[[left margin]]
45th Day out
25th Enc.
in Countess of
[[/left margin]]
[[in blue]]
( 12 [[?hour]] )
( Sept 22  )
[[/in blue]]
cross [[for Sunday]] Sept. 22d 1861
AM. N.W. Fresh Cloudy & Cold
M. N.W. " " " [[dittos for: Fresh Cloudy & Cold]]
P.M NW " [[ditto for: Fresh]] 
Fine " [[ditto for: & Cold]]
Obs on Oo-mer-nung 24th Enc A.M.
[[Image]] Shoreline at 60° angle, left to right, land right,water left with island offshore to left labeled Oo mer nung and an X. Above the island "Tn A 160", below the island "To B. 162"
Two points further down the page marked "B 162" and "A 160." [[/image]]

General trend of
Oo-mer-nung N & S by C
One mile long
Islands Eviction 2 miles out 50°
President's Seat 52°
The Mt on Kin-g side that
I took to be Pres. Seat [[?was]] [[?another]]
The Mount K gate side 88° [[?]]
Three small triangles; small,large, small. similar to the drawing several pages back.
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
"Our twenty-fourth encampment was made on an island called Oomer-nung, at the entrance of WiswcU's Inlet...." from Hall's book "Arctic Researches, And Life Among The Esquimaux: Being A Narrative Of An Expedition In Search Of Sir John Franklin In The Years 1860, 1861 and 1862." "Niountelik" Island is mentioned on page 426 of halls book