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[[left margin]]
h m
Under Sail 
Wind N.W.
[[strikethrough]] Fr [[/strikethrough]]
[[/left margin]]
                 Chro   h
From Oo-mer-nung 3-00 (10-00 AM)
Had a terrible time ^[[this morn]] loading Boat & getting aboard from the heavy sea pounding throwing Boat on to rocks of the most jagged Character - As we start out Koo-jes-se cries out 'Sail O!' looking out sea ward to all appearance Trully so but on examining with glass find it a tall strait up & down Ice-berg - a few moments afterward he (K) shot Nowyer on the wing - It came down close to lar[[guess]] board Side [[underlined]] dead [[/underlined]], but strange to say, the Innuits pass in leaving the game to monsters of the deep
[[left margin]]
3-30 [[encircled]] 5 [[/encircled]] ]
Arrived ]
1st Cape ]
IV-00 [[encircled]] 5 [[/encircled]]
Arrive Cape 2d 
[[tran-tuk ju-a]]
[[/left margin]] 
Trend of Bay ^[[East Side]] near the Entrance of wh. was 24 Enc. NNE & S. Side B.C.
The sun shining on Kin-gaite magnificent
Mts this Morn & no where else - the glowing sight

Transcription Notes:
See page 427 in Hall's book " Arctic Researches, And Life Among The Esquimaux: Being A Narrative Of An Expedition In Search Of Sir John Franklin In The Years 1860, 1861 and 1862."