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[[image: sketch of shoreline from top to bottom, (land right, water left), parts retraced with blue ink. Numerous islands. Some dotted lines appear to be water routes taken down the coast. Numerous notations on map One island near the top is labeled "24 Enc Oo-per-nung"  The word Eviction[[guess]] written by group of four small islands at top of diagram. In the channel above the 24 Enc island is written "Side N.NE & S.SW B C." A word at the top of the map Quin[[guess]]. A note beside the ink tracing: "But slight bending in of Coast on E Side."  A promontory below that note is an encircled note labeled "3-30 encircled 5" = 1st Cape. Below a note "bay 7 miles deep." Below that a prom. is labeled Twan-nuk-gu-a[[guess]] hIV-m00 [[encircled]] 5 [[/encircled]] ]]
Below that superimposed over two islands: "Now entering Countess of Warwick Sound Direct to Ni-oun-te-lik!  
[[left margin]]
to [[underlined]] the Coal [[/underlined]] wh. I form [[image: cross]] Aug 11th/61
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
Diagram similar to one on previous pages, can be identified by the island showing "24 Enc." I believe "B C" means "By Compass."