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[[underlined]] Post [[/underlined]] Meridian Obs Ni-oun-te-lik
Portion of place of Obn. 53-59-15
on the Coal of near 3 centuries!
IV - 59-10  -56-15
V - 2-30    50-00
    3-40    48-15
P.M. Obs
VII-45-45  36-00 [[under & overlined]] 70[[degree symbol]] [[/under & overlined]]
47-10 35-45
48-35 35-30  68 1/2
53-48 [[sun symbol]] to Marks on Mt ^[[E. side ^[[entrance to]] little bay where Coal is]] 115[[degree symbol]] - 34[[feet symbol]]
55-40 34-15
[[Here Hall uses a symbol that looks like a |next to a circumpunct. I have transcribed as "|O" ]]
56-35 |O to sun 116-28
58-22 33-45
59-18 |O to same 117-00
VIII-01-22 33-11-30
Compass Bearing Said mark 187[[degree symbol]]
Revised 08

Transcription Notes:
Relates to finding old coal possibly from an earlier exploration. See Hall's book page 426 "After landing upon Niountelik, and taking an observation of the sun at the spot where I had first discovered the coal."