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Of course, my heart was a happy one in finding this iron brought here only 86 years after discovery of America by Columbus! The Innuit circles of Stones ^[[at Tikoon]] indicating [[strikethrough]] s[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[this [[strikethrough]] place [[/strikethrough]] to be a place ^[for]] ]] Summers residence of the Innuits were very numerous - I know not when I have seen more numerous signs of Innuits than on the great plain a little distance from the Cape. Between it ^[[(the plain)]] & the Ex of Cape the usual rough old rocks are the nature of the land. The N. Side is flanked by high, bold mountains - a bay existing back for a mile or so on the W Side - On the S. side [[strikethrough]] runs the [[/strikethrough]] extends the Bay one branch of wh. leads toward Rescue Bay. The plain extends across the Cape from one Bay to the other the distance however of less than 1/8 of a mile. The "Heavy Stone" was found at the extent of the plain facing "Kud-lu-narn" wh. Island is about 1 mile off. I took a careful look all over this plain wh is on an incline of but a few degrees 
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nearly the whole distance from the beach on the side next ^[[or nearest]] Kud-lu-narn.  The bones of Seal - ook=gook - [[?]]-took-tu, walrus & Whale some very numerous all around - Some were very old being nearly overgrown with grass and moss - I doubt not 2 or 3 Centuries old were some of these remains.  Small pieces of wood I found numerous - many imbedded in the grass & with other considerations including great age. I found an iron hoop here, much rusted: but this was probably from some Cask of the ^[[Eng.]] people wrecked near "Lupton Strait" nearly 5 years ago.
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Transcription Notes:
Reference on Page 430 of Hall's book.