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My sketch of the "Little Bay" & the fine Harbor
[[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] Coal Deposits
[[encircled]] B [[/encircled]] High Straight up & down Mts - the Cave home
[[encircled]] C [[/encircled]] Made landing here going up
[[encircled]] D [[/encircled]] Koo-jes-se Shot a Seal weighing
[[image - Starting one-third of the way down the page is a sketch across the page of a sprawling coastline, land above, water below with a few, small, unmarked islands. In a deep harbor at the top of the sketch in pencil are the words 'Fine Harbor.' In ink in the peninsula enclosing the harbor: "Ek-e-le-zjang A." Half way down the image onshore at a bend in the shoreline in ink a circumpunct and 'Marked Mt.' On the opposite shore of the island is a B. Next down the coast below the B is a cove marked in ink 'Ned-lu-young' and in pencil: 'Ood-lu-?.'  Following on down around the coast there is a large bay in which there is a note in pencil written vertically in the bay: 'Bay we cross in making Land route from Ship to Oo-pung-ne-wing Winter.' Farther down the coast there is a jut of land at the very bottom of the page marked: 'TiKoon.']]

Transcription Notes:
"Going up" apparently refers to the trip up Frobisher Bay, as they are now going down. Could not find any points marked C or D.