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The looks wh seal gave us, as I have described, was not all that was ^[[seemingly]] [[underlined]] human [[/underlined]], [[strikethrough]] seemingly [[/strikethrough]] about it. I have [[strikethrough]] herd [[/strikethrough]] heard of people [[strikethrough]] before [[/strikethrough]] ^[[-men even]] [[strikethrough]] [[??]] [[/strikethrough]] that liked, right well, to have their backs [[underlined]] "scratched" [[/underlined]] now & then - just for the good & pleasant feeling it gave them. -  Not to an extraordinary degree is the occasional practice of seals foreign to that of [[underlined]] the "scratching" [[/underlined]] process. The latter animals which the soft, [[underlined]] nail-less [[/underlined]] fingers of Guppys to [[strikethrough]] its [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] these [[/underlined]] backs, which [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] the former invite (if they have any) their confiding friends - or better halves - to [[underlined]] "scratch" them! [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] backs for them! [[/strikethrough]] Humans and
seal are otherwise alike - the babylike fingers of seals - my thoughts on eating seal flippers!
Five minutes only delay in killing seal - from 1st sighting to getting under way again. But I must pass on to the important. 
At hVIII-m30 landed at Ek-e-lu-zhun the point of intent - & importance. While the Innuits stopped to Feast on
seal I proceeded up the tide rocks (for tide was out) toward the [[strikethrough]] [[??]] [[/strikethrough]]
snow covered land where high water all the land about covered or nearly so with snow. 
The finding [[??]] of a bit of coal after a walk of 15 minutes around on the tongue. A tongue of land (called
Ek-en-le-[[??]]) juts out 1/2 or 1/3 across the Bay near the heart of it (Bay) forming above it one of the
safest, prettiest harbors that I ever saw anywhere. All in all, the Bay & Harbor were truly fine ones - surrounded as they are by scenery of tue grandeur. Good depth of water - good bottom & am with impossibility of a sea making with the harbor - the harbor well sheltered from winds in nearly all directions. My return toward
the feasting pary on the rocks by the Boat. My conclusion on finding only this bit of coal - Koo-jesse