Viewing page 125 of 223

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[[upper right hand corner, the lettr A]]
[[image]] A rather detailed outline of an irregular shaped island]] An island with the main body running upper left to lower right.  An arm of the island thrusts upwart toward the top middle of page.  It looks like the arm is too far to the left and should extend toward the letter A in the upper right hand corner, see note below.  The island is labeled "Ni-oun-te-lik."  On the upper part of the main body is: "No 1."  Where the arm extends from the main body there is: "X [[?2]]  [[/image]]
[[Note in lower right corner]]
[[strikethrough]]The Ex upper [[/strikethrough]]
The Ex. on upper part of this sketch should be but around to A
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
I believe the "Ex. on upper part" means what I have called "an arm in the description."