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[[Blue ink note in left margin superimposed and over-written over "Thurs night of" in pencil]]
1861 Sep. 26/61[[/Blue ink]]
Here we have stopped at our probable last encampment before reaching the Vessel.  To-morrow if wind and weather be favorable we shall make the "George Henry" then how [[?]] to meet my old & true friend Capt B.  The place of our encampment (27th) is on a tongue nearly surrounded by water on N.W side Lupton Channel within 1 mile of Rescue Bay,  A few minutes after landing some one of the Innuits cried out from nearby opposite side if the beautiful little Boat harbor ^[[?]] where we landed that many tupiks had [[underlined]] recently [[/underlined]] It was soon concluded that Ar-tark-pa-ru  Shen-ek-Koo  An-na-wa & other Innuits with their families had made ^[[the place]] [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] their Encampment on their way from where we found this party going up Frobisher Bay (beyond O.G. Cape] to the Ship.
On our passage today from place of 26th Enc. at the commencement of high land by by Sharko a very heavy sea prevented. It does not require much of a Wind from N.W. or W.-SW or S. to cause a heavy, dangerous sea for Boats [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] running between Countess of Warwick's Sound to Budington ville.
The ^[[men]] Innuits ^[[[of my  crew]] [[?taken]] out some time from 26 Enc. made great exertion to shoot ducks - One poor duck was specially the object of a long & exciting chase.  The chase became more interesting by "Miner" joining in, & really [[/contesting]] in his buoyant Ki-a in ^[[attempting]]
[[strikeout]]?securing [[/strikeout]] to secure the duck to himself.  Shot after shot was made by each of my 3 hunters - & by "Miner" & yet duck seemed [[?intent]]  & defiant.  At every shot made, down it ^[[plunged]] [[strikethrough]] ?went [[/strikethrough]] beneath the heaving waters making rapid progress all the time from the Coast.  And yet for a long distance & for a long time, Boat &Ki-a followed after.  Finally the chase was given up leaving shot-proof duck to live on in its glory!  The Innuits
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
References to page 439 in Hall's book. "O.G. Cape" = "Opera Glass Cape." "ki-a" = kayak.