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One has got to [[underlined]] perservere [[/underlined]] in gaining information of this people It is so very easy for the interpreter to mistake in understanding the question desired to be asked. Many interviews with same party & various questions leading to one point are necessary to get at facts. Several years since they saw this relic - It's (some parts of it) soft - E thinks from their description that soft parts are Copper - the rest iron -  It is very heavy - only now & then an Innuit Strong enough to lift it - young men Innuit used to often meet together  to try their strength in attempting to lift it. 'The old Innuits wanted their Sons to do so so to make them strong!' An-na-wa & Ou-le-kier have seen this relic used as a Seat in Tupik for visiting Innuits to sit upon! It ^[[was]] not far from the tarrin[[guess]] (Sea-water) when they saw it. The shape of it is [[underlined in blue]] 'not round but all the same as a chest or box' [[/underlined in blue]] (meaning as to the corners) - [[underlined in blue]] tho not exactly all the same - places in it not straight like a box! [[/underlined in blue]] Other matters connected with the fact of Innuits not living in the Extreme Land! A great many years ago An-na-wa says many Innuits were carried away on the ice & never came back again - Then Innuits would not live there for a long time - Finally they began to go there again in great number when they were all lost - how no Innuit who did not go there knew At last having nothing from the Innuits there an Innuit Boat with Innuits went there to see what had become of their friends. 'All night the 1st 
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and only night
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night these searching Innuits could not sleep on account such a terrible noise - cracking - same as if runner[[guess]] ^[[(land)]] shook & broke! [[strikethrough]] They [[/strikethrough]] There was no Sea - ^[[no wind]] no ice - Selah (sky) fine - fine weather too'. 'These Innuits could not find a single Innuit there - they (the searching Innuits) did not know what to make of it - & then such noises - such crunching ^[[all night that they could not sleep]] [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrugh]] they were afraid & came right away. Since then no Innuit will live there!  Annawing says when he was a boy this last catastrophe to the Innuits happened. The 1st was a long time

Transcription Notes:
See page 448 of Hall's book.