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1861: Oct: 9: 
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we had is what I do'nt like - & probably never will - but what of this one night's inconvenience among a good set of well meaning souls?
At X-30 ^[[wind]] began to lull - - At XI we start for the ship - Wind dead ahead - Arrive at a little harbor at the base of French Head Sun 1 hour high - The heavy sea & strong wind ^[[& shipping much water]] as we rounded the point up the Tongue bounding E & SE side of harbor - The Walrus - the 1st enc, reached - Brent & now ducks the 2d one shot - many seen but shy between Scott's fortress (the Mountain Island at entrance to the Bay extending toward Budingtonville) & land on South side 1/2 mile be S. F's & land on N side. 3/4 mile. Cold riding to-day in Boat - the comfort of landing and walking the greater comfort when getting into Tupik - the [[underlined]] greatest [[/underlined]] when but coffee is partaken. Get along with the present crew 1st rate. The climbing up the debris ^[[thrown down]] from the heights of French Head  The work of Winter - the huge storm - the effect upon those upon wh. they fall ^[[our enc.]] a dangerous place for Igloo - on Tupik in Summer  The sleet storm to-night - our prospects bad of being able to get away from this our 3d Enc. to-morrow. The long talk to-night with Ebierbing - his story of Capt. Penny - What Annawa says of the ^[["few"]] Kud-lu-narns who built the Ship & the stone house - the snow door[[guess]] the Innuits helping dig the Ship & Water trenches - the pug[[guess]] in iron with wh they [[strikethrough]] Kud [[/strikethrough]] (the Innuits) made knives & used in making things bows & arrows.  Another Job's comforter commenced since starting on this trip ^[[on way back]] - A Job's comforter[[guess]] is under Nostril dexter[[guess]] - upper lip!  Otherwise [[?]] [[underlined] ]Comfortable [[/underlined]]!

Transcription Notes:
"Brent" refers to Brent Geese, page 405 of Hall's book.