Viewing page 178 of 223

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[[left margin in blue]]
[[/left margin in blue]]
Obs French Head Comp Bearings
The Pass (1st enc) [[checkmark]] 127[[degree symbol]]
Left Tang of the Mountain Island
by it extending out into Rescue Bay 148[[degree symbol]]
Entrance to Lupton Channel 146[[degree symbol]]
Geo T. Jones Tower 154[[degree symbol]]
2d Channel of ex Land passage
we made down in going to ex Land 176[[degree symbol]]
Last Enc but one in going to Ex " [[ditto for: land]] 182[[degree symbol]]
1st Channel but. Island of Ex " [[ditto for: land]] 181[[degree symbol]] = [[encircled]] 181 [[/encircled]]
Ex termination of Ex " [[ditto for: land]] 183[[degree symbol]]
Land on N. Side Rescue Bay ^[[nearly]] closed
from vision by snow storm
Budington Mt 292(?)
Ex Point N Side obscurely seen [[strikethrough]] 287 (?) [[/strikethrough]] 254
The little Harbor entrance
N.E. & S W True
[[image - sketch across bottom of page of a deep inlet and harbor with two small islands. Notation in the inlet 'N.E. & S W'. On the East shore of the harbor there is a symbol for a mountain labeled 'High Peaked Mt'. Below that encircled is '112[[degree symbol]]'. Below that 'Enc'". Below the south shore of the harbor 'French Head'.]]

Transcription Notes:
Narrative for October 10th begins on page 449 in Hall's book. Edited: per instructions, reformatted 'image' description, removed degree symbol and replaced with text, reformatted ditto indicators to denote text, 'end of page' not required if transcribing single page view, other small changes