Viewing page 194 of 223

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[[encircled 5 in blue ink right corner]]
[[This page set up in three columns: Compass Course; Winds; and Remarks.  Transcribed as entries appear in those respective colums across the page.  Every line begins with a quotation mark (").]]
As noted on the previous page 193 these remards were copied from George Henry's journal.]]
"                  Remarks Saturday Aug 16th
"                  Fore part of this day wind light from the NW &
"S.W.     N. W.    clear - all hands employed in ship's duty - middle
"                  part cloudy.  7PM saw the land - at 11 shortened sail.
"                     Lat 54°-32'N  Long. 55-30W
"                  Remarks Sunday Aug 17th
"S by W   W.       Fore part wind light from the Westward.  About 15 miles
"                  off the land - saw a number of vessels all heading
"                  to the Northward.  Boarded two after provisions
"         S.W.     could not get any. 7 P.M. fresh breeze SW & clear
"                  ship heading S. by W.
"                     Lat. 52°-31'
                   Remarks, Monday, Aug 18th
"S.S.W.   S.W.     Fore part of this day strong breeze from S.W.
"                  reefed the top sail at 4 P.M. - moderating made sail
"                  heading South 4 PM heading S.S.E.
"                     Lat. 51°-01' -  Long. 53°-39'
[[note here inserted in what appears to be Hall's script is a seven line note between side brackets, who has noted vertically in the left margin "Remarks &c by C F Hall]]
My Obs with Pocket Sextant made G.H's position
at Meridian.  Lat 51°-16'-01" N: Long. by Chro.
54°-18'-07" W: Long. by^[["Lunar"]] (measuring the distance of the
Moon & Sun) [[?mstnend]] to Noon ^[[53°-47'-52"]] [[strikethrough underlined]]56°-32'-52[[/strikethrough  underlined]] W.
My Obs at [[underlined]]3-19-00 PM[[/underlined ^[[(3h-19m-00") made Long at [[underlined]]this time[[/underlined = 53°-40'-45 W by Chro. [[/Note here inserted]]
[[note here inserted in what appears to be Hall's script is a six line note between side brackets, who has noted vertically in the left margin "Remarks &c by C F Hall]]
[[underlined]](Vide my Obs. & working up page preceding the commencement of Copy lf G. H's Log Journal)
 - My "Lunar"[[/underlined]] produced to time
of ^[[?Capt B's]] P.M. obs. by wh heobtained the above result53°-39' W.
differs from [[?if]] but 4'-46" as will be seen by the following:
[[?Result ?to ?discovered]] from my Obs. Lat.      51°-02'-22" Long. my Lunar 53°-35'-14"
[[?  "     "      "      ]] from Cap B's Obs= Lat  51 -01- 00 Long.(Capt B's) 53°-39  00
[[wavy line across page]]
Difference - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   1'-22' - - - - - - - - -    4' 46"
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
In order to preserve the three-column format, transcribed in the journal view over transcription box format, just as it appears in the journal.