Viewing page 199 of 223

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[[encircled 10 in blue ink right corner]]
[[This page set up in three column format as were pages 193-198, columns headed: Compass Course; Winds; and Remarks.  Transcribed as entries appear in those respective colums across the page.  The bleed-thru of ink on this page is very confusing.]]
Course     Wind   [[underlined]]Remarks[[/underlined]] Wednesday Sept 8th
                  "Fore part wind light from South and clear
                  "Spoke the ship James Hovey from New Your bound to Liverpool
                  "got a paper = [N.Y. Herald ^[[dated Sep 3d]] - Sad News for me! Hall]
                  "           Lat.40°-45'  Long 65°-58'
                  "[[underlined]]Remarks[[/underlined]] Thuesday 9th
"           W.    Fore part of this day wind light canting to the Northward
"W. by N          & thick fog.  At 11 A.M. clearing up wind         
"           N.W.  N.W.  A number of vessels sight - 4PM
                  "ship heading West-Saw a steamer heading to the Westward.                            
                  "           Lat. 41°-04' N Long. 61°-28 W
                  "[[underlined]]Remarks[[/underlined]] Wednesday Sept 10th
                  "This day commenced with light breeze from North & clear - 11AM
                  "light from E. & clear. Saw a steamer & bark heading to the Westward
                  "middle part windlight from Eastward & latter part the same
                  "           Lat. 40°-45  Long. 68°-35'-30"
                  "[[underlined]]Remarks[[/underlined]] Thursday Sept 11th - Fore part of this day 
                   light breeze from Eastward.  8 AM saw a steamer heading Eastward Y& a number
                  "of sail vessels in sight.  Lat.40°-57  Long. 69°-43'-45"
                  [[next two lines bracketed & written small as if Hall added later in between entries]]
                  [This A.M. Smith & crew boarded from Westward Islands bound to]
                  [Bangor Me. loaded with salt. His (S.) object News - got same ]
                  [                                                         Hall]
                  "[[underlined]]Remarks[[/underlined]] Sept 12th  This day light breeze
                  "from S.E. & cloudy.  3 PM saw Black Island bearing N.W.
                  "            Lat. 40°-55'    [[no Longitude given]]

                  Arrived New London 2 AM of Sat. Sept 13th/62
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
In order to preserve the three-column format, transcribed in the journal view above the transcription box view format, just as it appears in the journal.