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1862 [[blue ink in right corner]] )12 [[/blue ink]]  [[The bleed-thru of ink on this page is very confusing.]]
" May   12th  Monday - blowinghard from the Eastward & snowing - latter part 
              more moderate
" "     13th  Tuesday - fresh gale from the N.W. - the ice breaking fast
" "     14th  Wednesday - fresh breeze from the N.W. & the ice coming down the Bay
" "     15th  Thursday - fresh gale from the N.W. - the ice breaking the ice off [[?wad]] the ice.
" "     16th  [[underlined]]Friday[[/underlined - blowing fresh from the NW blowing hard down the 
              Bay.  Cannot get off with the Boats
" "     17th  Saturday - Fore part of this day the wind from the NW blowing hard - latter
"             part from the Eastward & snowing - the ice ^[[packed in along the shore]] so we 
              cannot get the boats off.
" "     18th  Sunday - light breeze from the Eastward & snowing - Two men
"             started to go to the ship - at night they both returned - the snow
              so deep they could not get there.
" "     19th  Monday - fore part light breeze from the Eastward - 1 Boat off
              wind fromthe Southwest & snowing.
" "     20th  Thursday - fresh breeze from the S.E. & thick weather
              a sledge arrived from the ship to-day.
" "     21st  Wednesday - fore part strong breeze from the Eastward &
              snowing - latter part more moderate.
" "     22d   Thursday - strong breeze from the N.E. & clear - 4 Boats
              went after Wood & the sledge went to the ship
" "     23d   Friday - the wind from the E.N.E. & thick weather
" "     24th  Saturday - fresh breeze from the NE. & thick
" "     25th  Sunday - fore part light wind from the N.E. & cloudy - middle
"             part light from the S.W. - e boats off to the ice & one
"             up the Bay - got [[underlined]]two Walrus.[[/underlined]]  Joaeph Neal taken spitting 
" "     26th  Monday - light wind fromthe N.W. fore part of the day - the boats
"             came back this Morning - middle part of this day wind fresh
"             from the N.W. [[?]] Saw [[underlined]] one WHALE [[/underlined]] & many 
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed in the journal view above the transcription box view format, just as it appears in the journal. Entry for May 15th appears on page 531; May 18th p. 527; May 19th p.540; May 21st p. 544; May 25th p.543, of Hall's book.