Viewing page 203 of 223

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[[blue ink in right corner]] (14 [[/blue ink]]  [[The bleed-thru of ink on this page is very confusing. I.e., can't tell which side of page underlining is for.]]
"June 13th  Friday - Wind light from Eastward & cloudy - the ice
"           setting off the shore - sledging some of the casks across the land
"           to go on board.
" "   14th  Saturday - fore part the wind light from the N.E. & clear -
"           the nation went after eggs - latter part the wind light
"           from the N.W. & clear.
" "   15th  Sunday - Light winds from the N.W. - two sledges came
"           to-day - one with Mr. Hall & the other with rations - 
"           Four Boats ^[[went after eggs & such]] [[strikethrough]]came back with 19 Doz. Eggs & 
            some ducks [[/strikethrough]]
" "   16th  Monday - Wiind fresh from the NW & snow squalls.
"           The Boats came back with [[underlined]] 19 Doz. Eggs &some ducks.[[/underlined]]
" "   17th  Tuesday -  fresh breeze from the NW & Cloudy.
"           three sledges went to the ship to-day - latter part
"           wind from the N.E. & snowing.
" "   18th  Wednesday - Squally from the N.W. & from the N.E. - two
"           Boats went after eggs & wood - got [[underlined]]51 Doz. Eggs[[/underlined]] & somewood.
" "   19th  Thursday - fore part the wind light from the N.W. & clear - the natives off
"           Sealing - latter part light breeze from the S.
" "   20th  Friday - fore part light breeze from the N.W. & cloudy - middle part
"           light from the S.  [[?4]] Boats off natives after eggs & wood
"           got [[underlined]]59 Doz. eggs.[[/underlined]]
" "   21st  Saturday - fore part wind light from S.E. & thick - latter part from the N.E.
" "   22d   Sunday - fore part calm & cloudy so [[?end?]]
" "   23d   Monday - wind light from the S.E. & thick - two Boats after eggs
"           & ducks - got [[underlined]]70 Doz. eggs & 20 Ducks.[[/underlined]]
" "   24th  Tuesday - fresh gale from the Southward & snowing - latter part [[?headed]]
"           to the Northward - and thick.
" "   25th  Wednesday - this day fresh gale from the NW.
"           one of the natives proposed that the ice was breaking up
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed in the journal view above the transcription box view format, just as it appears in the journal. See Hall's book, page 546 for June 20th; and page 548 for June 26, 1862.