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[[blue ink in right corner]] (15
[[/blue ink]]  [[The bleed-thru of ink on this page is very confusing. I.e., can't tell which side of page underlining is for.]]
" June  26th  Thursday - The wind light groim the [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]]
"             S.E. & clear - two boats went after eggs & ducks - 
"             got [[underlined]]60 Doz. Eggs & 37 Duckis.[[/underlined]]
" "     27th  Friday -  fresh breeze from the N .W. & cloudy - the Capt
"             started for the ship with two of the crew - & the natives went - two boats off af     
"             down to the bay Sealing.
"       28th  Saturday - fresh breeze from the N.W. - two boats off after eggs
"             the sledge came from the ship
" "     29th  Sunday - fore part calm & clear - two boats off & got [[underlined]] five Walrus 
              [[/underlined]] 7 sae plenty Whales.
" "     30th  Monday - fore part fresh breeze from the East & thick weather
"             one boat went out after eggs -  latter part blowing hard from
"             the N.E. - Mr Hall came from the ship with the sledge
" July   1st  Tuesday - Hard Gale from the N.E. & rain.
"  "     2d   Wednesday - blowing hard from the N.E. & thick weather - one
"             boat went after eggs.
"  "     3d   Thursday - fore part freshh breeze from the N.E. & rain - the natives came
"             to-day with [[underlined]]26 seals[[/underlined]] - latter part moderate
"  "     4th  Friday -  fore-part wind light from N. & thick weather
"             two boats went after eggs - latter part caln * clear.
"  "     5th  Saturday - Calm & cloudy - Started to go off this morning but more
"             than one half of the crew refused to go in the boats - Went off
"             three boats with the half of the natives. & Mr. Hall
"             we get [[underlined]]one Walrus.[[/underlined]]
"  "     6th  Sunday - fresh gale from the Eastward & thich weather - one of the
"             Natives went to the ship - latter part wind S.E. & rain.l
"  "     7th  Monday - fore part wind light from the S.E. & rain - middle part
"             clear - two boats out after eggs& duckis - latter part raining.
"  "     8th  Tuesday - Fresh breeze from the Eastward & thick weather
"             the ice made its appearance to-day from out-side.
[[end of page]]

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed in the journal view above the transcription box view mode, just as it appears in the journal.