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1862 July 9th Wednesday - Fresh breeze from the E.N.E. & thick weather
Bailey & Morgan came from the ship to-day
" " [[dittos for: 1862 July]] 10th Thursday - fresh breeze from the N.E. & thick weather.
" " [[dittos for: 1862 July]] 11th Friday - strong breeze from the N.E. & thick.
" " [[dittos for: 1862 July]] 12th Saturday - fresh breeze from the N.E. & thick
" " [[dittos for: 1862 July]] 13th Sunday - four past calm & clearing up - four boats went after
wood & eggs Mr. Hall went up the Bay with the natives - latter part
" " [[dittos for: 1862 July]] 14th Monday - fore part wind light from the S. & thick fog latter part N.E.
" " [[dittos for: 1862 July]] 15th Tuesday - light breeze from the W. & cloudy latter part N.E.
" " [[dittos for: 1862 July]] 16th Wednesday - Wind light from the N. & cloudy - three Boats off & 
got [[underlined]] one Walrus [[/underlined]]
" " [[dittos for: 1862 July]] 17th Thursday wind light from the N.W. & clear - two Boats after eggs - got about 10 Doz. 
" " [[dittos for: 1862 July]] 18th Friday - four past light breeze from the S. & thick - four Boats off & got [[underlined]] ten Walrus [[/underlined]] -  one boat - stove
" " [[dittos for: 1862 July]] 19th Saturday - four past light breeze from [[strikethrough]] N.E. [[/strikethrough]] N.W. & clear - Keeney & Roberts went to the ship & Mr. Hall came from up the Bay - one
boat off to-day
" " [[dittos for: 1862 July]] 20th Sunday - fresh breeze from the N.W. & clear. 
" " [[dittos for: 1862 July]] 21st Monday - fore part light winds from the N.W. & cloudy. Mr. Lamb went to take
Mr. Hall around Cape Elizabeth - latter part wind light from the S. & rain. Smith went with his boat after
" " [[dittos for: 1862 July]] 22nd Tuesday - Wind light from the S. - one boat after eggs & our boat returned from up the Bay. 
" " [[ditto for: 1862 July]] 23d Wednesday - fresh breeze from the N.E. Charles Keeney & Mr Roberts came from
the ship to-day - a sledge came with a barrel of slush.