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[[top sheet of two sheets sewn together into the journal with white thread down the left edge. In black ink]]
"Ice-ribbed imprisonment"
Tues 12th Aug, Last night (12) Midnight out of ice no-w fair way - only occasional Ice-berg.  VIII AM schools black fish along side Ship going same direction - fast to one but it broke loose Rogers Boat lowered - got into on our e school [[?no]]thrown of harpoon.  Harpoon was I say Black fish wanted for provision.  At 12 Lat is 61°-52' - (Long 62 -35 (?) but 85 on course
S.E. from [[?Bedeviled ?have ?been]] (upper harbor) Sea Scik!  [[?Wh ?toth]] screw & [[?stem]] for my proposed voyage
[[line across page]]
11th Mon. getting thru pack - strands of ice - the tides - going but Oo-mi-en-wu & [[?S.?e.?ex]] - my operations on deck top of day's work - Capt B.'s excellent management [[?doing]] ice - on deck night & day - but "Cat naps" for to Day
[[line across page]]
13th Schools Black Fish - [[?Mohlmaks]]
N.E. wind - fair wind Good progress
Passing [[blue ink]]^[[E entrance]] [[/bue ink]] Hudson's Strait

[[note X'd out]]
Tues Aug. 19th P.M. Capt B's indication of stopping St. Johns - my declaration to him of its being one of the best deeds of his life an act [[underlined]] humanitarian [[/underlined]] in character [[/note X'd out]]
This announcement to me ^[[short time after]] to have my [[?Tel.]] dispatched wh. I desired to send to Henry Grinnell nearby.
[[vertical note down right margin black ink]]
Capt B. got the [[?Sulks]] worst Kind - Remedy [[the rest of this is unclear but looks like "L/U ?good ?niggers as ?slaves himself 'do'marly in S.C.]]

Transcription Notes:
There is an impressed seal in the bottom left hand corner of the sheet, two words {{?SEALED ?SECURITY]] in a crest. The next few pages are a confusion of overlays and attached sheets in the journal.