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Mt Warwick to Lt. Tang Mt ob. of S.E. Ex 9[[degree symbol]] -20'[[minute symbol]]
" " " [[dittos for: Mt Warwick to]] center " " " " [[dittos for: Mt ob of S.E. Ex]] 9[[degree symbol]] - 00
[[line across page]]
IX-13-30 | [[sun symbol]] to L T Mt Warwick 108[[degree symbol]] - 25'[[minute symbol]]
[[line across page]]
Center Ob Mt of S. S. Ex to Lt. to brng Ex 2[[degree symbol]] -20'[[minute symbol]]
[Rt [[strikethrough]] Lt [[/strikethrough]] tang. looks out exactly in line with Krny Ex]
Same that is Center Ob. Mt to Lt to Height on Lt
Tang Look out 7[[degree symbol]] -55'[[minute symbol]] [[strikethrough]] South [[/strikethrough]]
Same to left to Pk - Bud Mt 42[[degree symbol]] -55'[[minute symbol]]
Center Mt of Ob. of S ^[[ [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ]] Ex'. to Rt. - to Mt. that I [[symbol]]
marked when on Bear Isl E. side 1st Channel 1[[degree symbol]]- 30'[[minute symbol]]
- to small Pk. W on op. side Channel (1st) 3[[degree symbol]] -00'[[minute symbol]]
- to Mt top that I went on while S & K made tupik
on 2d Enc 4[[degree symbol]] -40'[[minute symbol]] - to center 2d Channel 7[[degree symbol]] - 45
- [[underlined]] to Peak Mt Warwick 9[[degree symbol]] [[/underlined]] - that is Crater[[guess]] Mt of ob to Rt to Pk Mt W which is by 2d channel W side.
Mt Warwick to Rt - to G. T. Tower Tower 15[[degree symbol]] -36'[[minute symbol]]
- to E side Lupton Channel [[underlined]] 20[[degree symbol]] [[strikethrough]] ?[[/strikethrough]] to West side
the Pt. 20[[degree symbol]] -50'[[minute symbol]] - to the place of my Ob. W. side
Lupton C 21[[degree symbol]] - 30' [[minute symbol]] to Center Isd by the pass to Oy-bin-sa-arping 28 - 15
to French Head 30[[degree symbol]] - 18 - to 1st Considerable
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Cape West 1st of Cliffs extending to Parker's Bay 43[[degree symbol]] -
- to E Cape where commences unusual breaking in 
to Parker's Bay 48[[degree symbol]] - to more abrupt breaking 
in 51 - 30 - to Parker's Head (N side bay) 57[[degree symbol]] -30
- to where I ascended the high land toward Oo-pung-ne-wing (Shanko) & saw Peak[[guess]] 113[[degree symbol]]
Budington Mt to Lt. to Grinnell Mt. 106[[degree symbol]] -20'[[minute symbol]]
Grinnell Mt to Lt to Mt (Round Top) that is Course
in going from ship to O. 71[[degree symbol]] -30'[[minute symbol]]
French Head to left to [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] to utmost S.E Ex 41[[degree symbol]] -46'[[minute symbol]]
" " " " " [[dittos for: French Head to left to]] Ob. Mt W. side Lup 20[[guess]]
Channel 8[[degree symbol]] - 57 = [8[[degree symbol]] -57'[[minute symbol]]
X-8-2 39-38
9-30 17-30
11-15 | [[sun symbol]] to Lt to French Head = 93[[degree symbol]] -11'[[minute symbol]]
12-20 | [[sun symbol]] " " " " " [[dittos for: to Lt to French Head]] 93 -21
128 R 308
[[Note: left half side of page separated from note on right side by vertical line]]
[[strikethrough]] 13-50 [[/strikethrough]] [[encircled]] 7 [[/encircled]]
14-40 38-07
[[underlined]] 16-36  37-41 [[/underlined]]
Height F H 55[[symbol]]
[[/left half side of page]]
[[right side of page]]
French Head to W to Mt Warwick 30[[degree symbol]] -25
F H to Lt to 
Mt Ob of S E Ex 2
39[[degree symbol]] -25'[[minute symbol]]
[[/right side of page]]

Transcription Notes:
[unclear if lightly visible "X" strikethrough visible across this page or is ghost of the X across page four on reverse of this page.]] Transcribed in Journal in top window, transcription in bottom window, for better visualization of page and spacing of text, so that the transcription looks more like the Journal page. "G. T." refers to George T. Jone's Tower named by Hall (p. 302 of Hall's book). Note 7/21/17: I originally transcribed this page on 6/7/17 using an easier to read format for the mathematics; and correct symbols for circumpunct ("?"), degree ("?"), and minute ("'") used in navigatgion. The reviewer substituted unclear text ("degree mark")instead of the correct name or symbol ("symbol" for circumpunct; "feet symbol" for minutes). Other corrections needed: Crater should be Center. "Oy-bin-sa-arping" should be "Og-bier-seer-o-ping" (Cape True).