Viewing page 7 of 239

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[left margin vertical]] 
[[underlined]] June 7 1863 
this Ex. Sept 7/63 [[/underlined]]
[[/left margin vertical]] 
VIII - 37 - 40 64 - 97 - 30 Cosin = 113[[degree symbol]] - 16[[symbol]] 9.59661
45 - 06 67 - 45 - 00 Sec. 34[[degree symbol]] - 25[[symbol]] .08357
[[line]] [[line]] [[line]]  
7 - 26 1[[degree symbol]] - 22[[symbol]] - 30[[symbol]] Cosi 118 - 37 =  9.68018 
[[dotted line to same number below]]
69 - 07 - 30        
45 - 42
68 - 21 - 48
1 - 30 67 - 12
68 - 20 - 18 62 - 49 .34122
34 - 10 - 9 34 - 25 .08357
15 - 49 [[line]]
8  2) 164 - 26
[[line]] [[line]]
34 - 26 - 04 82 - 13 9.13171
1 - 24 67 - 12
[[line]] [[line]]
34 - 24 - 40 15 - 1 9.98491
2) 19.54141
53[[degree symbol]] - 51[[symbol]]
Az [[symbol]] =  =  =  107[[degree symbol]] - 42[[symbol]]
118 - 37
Azimuth [[symbol]] Mark 226 - 19
Compass Bearing = = = 165[[degree symbol]] - 00
Variation = 61 - 19 W
[[to right]]
To this do not
add [[symbol]]'s S. D.
[[/to right]]

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed in the Journal box above the transcription box mode so that the transcription looks more like the Journal page. In some cases rather than using [[underlined]][[/underlined]] I have used actual typed underlines for clarity in calculations.