Viewing page 14 of 239

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[Two columnar tables side by side separated by a double vertical line]]  
[[left table with seven, two-line-heading, columns]]
|Comp ?@| True ?@|Dist.| N  |  S  |  E  |  W  
[[wavy line under heading name]]
|216°|N82E|2,877|,400|[["Supplement" written vertically for all lines in this column]]|2,849|[[nil]]|
|258| N40E| 7,012|5,371|[[nil]]|4,507|[[nil]]|
[[nil]]|[[nil]]|[[nil]]|Dif Lat.|[[nil]]|4,532|[[nil]]|
[[nil]]|[[nil]]|[[nil]]|[[nil]]|[[nil]]|?Dif ?Dept|[[nil]]|
[[/left table with seven, two-line-heading, columns]][[wavy line across seven colums of left table]]
[[boxed note in left margin]]?Va N.62°W.[[/boxed note in left margin]]
[[right table with eight, two-line-heading, columns]]
|Minutes|?Secs|75 feet ?true|feet per second|Total feet|miles|Corrected Distance|Comp Course|
[[the following numbers were writtn vertically in the cells of column six: line one 20,650; line two 42,688; line three 31,762; line four 53,124]]
[[boxed note at the bottom of the table]] One half mile to be deducted on 1st Course wh. ?leaves miles 2,877/1000 as above[[/boxed note at the bottom of the table]]
[[/right table with eight, two-line-heading, columns]]
[[text entries continue in two column format divided by a vertical line]]
[[left column]]
By D.R. Lat. Og-bier-seer-o-ping                                         62°-32'-59" ^[[M.P.]]| 4846
Dif. Lat   -   -   -   -   -   -   -                                         18 -55           | 4887
Lat ^[[?'ng(ship)]] by D.R. [[strikethrough]]of ship[[/strikethrough]] = 62°-51'-54"
[[wavy line across left column]]
By D.R. Long. Og-bier-seer-o-ping                                         65°-10'-26"
Dif. Long.  -    -    -    -    -    -                                         9'-50"
Long. ^[['im (Ship)]] by D.R. ([[strikethrough]]of ship[[/strikethrough]] 65°=00-'36"
[[wavy line across left column]]
Took my departure from ship - Travelled 52.6/10 miles to Og-bier -seer-o-ping & back Keeping "Dead Reckoning" a/c ?in ?bu Return the DR a/c agrees with departure within just [[underlined]] 2 Nautical miles ^[[distance]] (1'-6" Lat. 4'-24 Long)[[/underlined]]
June 17th 1862 (Supplement) [[/left column]]
[[right column]]
Dif. by D.R. from the departure taken from ship = Inc Lat. = = 1'-06"
                                                 Inc Long. = = 4'-24"
[[wavy line across right column]]
Ship called in Lat    62-53-00
D.R. on return trip = 62-51 -54
Dif Lat   -   -   -   -   1'-06"
Ship Called in Long.  65°-05'-00"
D.R. on return trip   65 -00 -36
Dif. Long.    -   -   -    4'-24"
[[wavy line across right column]]
[[/right column]]

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed in the Journal box over the transcription box so the the transcription looks like the Journal page. Typed lines to show calculations rather than using [[underlined]]. It appears Hall revisited this page one or more time to add notes. This sheet overlays bottom of p 18. It appears that p 13 overlays p 15 and both obscure part of p 18. When 13 & 15 are folded up you can see the top of p 18. When p 14 is folded up you can see the bottom of p 18. Here is plan of attack: transcribe p 13; (overlying p 15) - done transcribe p 14; (overlying p 18) - done transcribe p 15; (overlying p 18) - done transcribe p 16 (just top part 18 obscured by 15; transcribe p 17 (just middle 18 obscured by p 15; transcribe p 18 (just bottom 18 obscured by p 14.