Viewing page 16 of 239

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[transcribing only top part of page 18 not obscured by pages 13 & 15]]
[[the top of this page is divided into three sections: seven column table on left; center section of text; seven column table on right.]]
[[left table]]
[[two line header]]   
|Course Compass|True Course|Distance|N.|S|E|W|
|101|S 17W|14.190|[[nil]]|13,570|[[nil]]|4,149|
|71°|S.47W| 3,976|[[nil]]| 2,712|[[nil]]|2,908|
|36°|S 82W| 1,554|[[nil]]|  ,216|[[nil]]|1,539|
|?VosBrang|[[nil]]|19,720|Dif Lat.|16,498|Dif ?|8,596|
[[double line across bottom of table]]
[[/left table]]
[[entries continue below left table]]
Lat 1st Enc (see June 7th (62) 62°-49'-29"[[boxed]]4882[[/boxed]]
Dif Lat.                           16 -30
Lat. in Og-bier-seer-o-ping    62°-32'-59"[[boxed]]4846[[/boxed]]
                                          [[boxed]]  36[[/boxed]]
Whole ?Depot G.H.
on Bay Frobisher
[[/entries continue below left table]]
[[for the remainder of this section of page 16 (actually journal page 18) see pages 17 & 18]]
[[center section]]
June 15/62
In Accordance
?w 7?th Line from
bottm previously
page deduct
1/2 mile on ?last ?course
^[[&]]?dif from nest to it
4,226,250?m [[boxed]]3,976[[/boxed]]
[[wavy line across center section]]
Long. Same 64 -51 -41
Dif. Long.     18 -45
Long same  65°-10'-26"
[[/center section]]
[[for the remainder of this section of page 16 (actually journal page 18) see pages 17 & 18]]
[[beginning of white paper stitched to and obscuring underlying page]]
[[right table]]
[[two line header]]
|Minutes|Seconds|75 feet?|Feet per Sec|total feet|Miles|Course by C|
|38=|2,280|10.2|7,353|16,765|[[16,765 is bracketed with next five numbers down the sixth column, the number 14,190 appears in the sixth cell; within the bracket written vertically is the number 186.356m.]]|101°|[[is only one numberfloating in column seven]]
|-5=| 300|13.|5,770|1,731|[[nil]]|[[nil]]|
|15=| 900|8.5|8823|7,941|[[nil]]|[[nil]]|
[[wavy line across right table]]
|63=|3,780|11.| 6,818|25,722|4,226|71°|
[[line across table]]
[[line across table]]
[[line across bottom of right table]]
[[/right table]]
[[[beginning of white paper stitched to and obscuring underlying page]]
[[[[for the remainder of this section of page 16 (actually journal page 18) see pages 17 & 18]]

Transcription Notes:
This page 16 appears to be the page (18) that pages 13, 14 and 15 lie on top of. Cannot transcribe all of the top portion of page 16 that is obsured by the two paper overlays, pp 13 & 15. My suggestion is to do just the portion of this page 16 obove the overlays. Transcribed in the Journal box over the transcription box so the the transcription looks like the Journal page. Typed lines to show calculations rather than using [[underlined]]. It appears that p 13 overlays p 15 and both obscure part of p 18. When 13 & 15 are folded up you can see the top of p 18. When p 14 is folded up you can see the bottom of p 18. Here is plan of attack: transcribe p 13; (overlying p 15) transcribe p 14; (overlying p 18) transcribe p 15; (overlying p 18) transcribe p 16 (just top part of p 18 obscured by 15; - done transcribe p 17 (just middle 18 obscured by p 15; transcribe p 18 (just bottom 18 obscured by p 14.