Viewing page 17 of 239

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Monday June 16th 1862
[[left margin in blue]]  
(Vide orig N' 16 p 12 of orig. Note B) 
[[/left margin in blue]]
P M ^[[ [[in blue]] "On Flag Staff Hill"
[[/in blue]] ]] Obs. of Og-bier-seer-o-ping Bay of Frobisher
[[left margin vertical]]
See Obrsn Book p. 47
[[/left margin vertical]]
[[first column]]
[[vertical encircled]] A [[/vertical encircled]]
IX - 16-00 62[[degree symbol]] -40[[symbol]]
17-45 62 -16
19-00 61 - 58
Mean IX - 17-35 = 62[[degree symbol]] 18[[symbol]]
(See Supplement)
[[/first column]]
[[second column]]
h m s
IX - 22 - 00 [[symbol]] to Left on Mark on Island W. side
(W. on)
Lupton Channel 121[[degree  symbol]] - 16
IX - 23 - 20 " " " " [[dittos for: [[symbol]] to Left on Mark]] - - 121[[degree symbol]] - 40
IX 24 - 30 - - - - - - 121 - 52
[[line]] [[line]]
IX - 23 - 17 Mean Mean 121 - 36
Bearing Said Sun Mark - [164 1/2]] R 344                                                 [ 164 1/2 in orig Note                                                 Book p 13 No 16 H.
IX - 26 - 35 60 - 16
[[vertical encircled]] B [[/vertical encircled]]
27 - 55 59 - 57 Sextant Angles
29 - 25 59 - 37 [ Pres. Sent to L. to Ice-berg in horizon
[ out in Bay of Frobisher 94[[degree symbol]] - 54[[symbol]]
True Az [[symbol]] N. 98[[degree symbol]] - 16 W. 
[ Said Ice Berg to left to ]
[ [[symbol]] Mark - - - - - 49 - 08
Therefore [[symbol]] Mark to Rt to Pres. Seat = 144 - 02 ]
S.E. Ex of Kin-gaite to L to [[symbol]] Mark 86[[degree symbol]] - 05 ]
[[symbol]] Mark to R. to Mt on Kingaite Coast 108[[degree symbol]] - 50[[symbol]]  ]
Said Mt to R. to Pres. Seat - - - - - 35[[degree symbol]] - 10[[symbol]] ] 144[[degree symbol]] - 00[[symbol]] ]
Being President's Seat 23[[degree symbol]] (S.E. Ex Kingaite 82[[degree symbol]].
I change position of Say 6 fathoms & now see Resolution (?) Island with Spy and also 2 small Islands Northerly of it 
The one most Northerly 87[[degree symbol]] The next one S of it 86[[degree symbol]] Resolution (N E End)
85[[degree symbol]] S W end 82[[degree symbol]]; The S.E. Ex of Kingaite opposite Resolution 80[[degree symbol]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
16th 62
[[symbol]] Mark ^[[carried]] to Right to Resolution (?) Island 82[[degree symbol]] - 15[[symbol]]
[[underlined]] Most undoubtedly I am mistaken in Calling the Island I supposed to be Resolution [[/underlined]] Island - [[double underlined]] "Resolution". [[/double underlined]] The result of [[symbol]] bearings make it [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] S 38[[degree symbol]] -11[[symbol]] W. & Resolution cannot be in that position.
It must be E of my present Longitude. All other above bearings [of Resolution, so called, & other Islands] must be portions of Kingaite Coast seen faintly. 
[[in blue]] 
^[[ "I here copy a few words from[[/underlined]] p.13 of orig. note book No [[encircled]] 16 [[/encircled]] That I find that I had omitted - 
The S. E. Ex of Kingaite] now 80!
How fluctuating the needle. X 2 hours later see S E Ex 83 1/2 (Kingaite) by the position Close by Tupiks the needle probably affected by something on the land]" This in blue written eve of Oct 3d 1863 [[signatory]] C F Hall [[/signatory]] ]]
[[/in blue]]
Tuesday, June 17th 1862 

Transcription Notes:
Comment from the Transcription Team: It is more challenging to key in special characters, so our instruction ask you not to worry too much about them, just do the best you can. However, when one is able to produce the special characters, we welcome them. As long as the characters look right, we can leave them in place. Thank you. Transcription Center Team Edited: per instructions, added end and start page between pages, replaced symbols with text, corrected Kingate to Kingaite, other formatting changes, mistyped words corrected, etc. [[this page 16 is the transcription of the journal page 18 entries obscured by pages 13 & 15. For the entries obscured by page 14, see page 18.]] [[Note: Entries below date Tuesday, June 17th 1862 on page 2 are obscured by an overlying sheet, which is transcribed as page 14. The entries beneath this sheet are transcribed as page 18]] [[there may be some data concealed under the flap where page 15 is stitched to journal page 18]] Transcribed in the Journal box over the transcription box so the the transcription looks like the Journal page. Typed lines to show calculations rather than using [[underlined]]. It appears Hall revisited this page one or more time to add notes. It appears that p 13 overlays p 15 and both obscure part of p 18. When 13 & 15 are folded up you can see the top of p 18. When p 14 is folded up you can see the bottom of p 18. Here is plan of attack: transcribe p 13; (overlying p 15) - done- transcribe p 14; (overlying p 18) - done- transcribe p 15; (overlying p 18) - done- transcribe p 16 (just top part 18 obscured by 15; - done- transcribe p 17 (just middle 18 obscured by p 15; - done- transcribe p 18 (just bottom 18 obscured by p 14.