Viewing page 19 of 239

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Place 1st Enc when Tupiks are 281[[degree symbol]] S.E. Ex. Land 188[[degree symbol]]
Budington Mt. 294[[degree symbol]] [[underlined]] Start VIII-13 [[/underlined]] to cross the Bay  
[[underlined]] Stop [[/underlined]] VIII - 17 (s 15) French Head 316 Top Isd Mt by Land
pass wh. I made  the ^[[last]] Course 134[[degree symbol]]. [[underlined]] Start VIII - 25[[/underlined]] to cross the Bay   
(15 11) [VIII - 45 Parker's Head & other Bluffs up the bay in fact ground
trend of Coast W side the Bay [[underlined]] now seen [[?]] 11) 11 (h IX) (12) 22) 12) 11)
Stop IX - 45 (11) Crater Isd Peak that was Course to Land Pass 110[[degree symbol]]
Middle Land Pass 104; French Head 78[[degree symbol]]; S.S. Ex Land 175[[degree symbol]] Sing-eye-en
Point (NE ex) 258[[degree symbol]]; Grinnell Mtn. 318 [[sun symbol]] W Field Mt 333[[degree symbol]]
Parker's Bluff on Head N. Side his Bay 355[[degree symbol]] Bud Mt 300[[degree symbol]]; Noon Course 322 ^[[Ug]]
- to ship [[strikethrough]] [[?]] 219 [[/strikethrough]] The ^[[Point of]] Cape rounded to go to Oo-Kood-lear the other day almost in line with Sing-eye-en Point-
[[image - sketch of coastline with a prominent peninsula labled 'Cape pondered the other day' and to the left 'Sing-eye-en']]
Sing-eye Point I shall hereafter consider
as the Cape Entrance N Side Rescue Bay.
Here Ebierbing continues on to Tupiks while I with Mgarny & his team
Koojesse with his team up Middle the Bay to Ship
Start X-25 (17) 15) 12) h XI) 17) 12) 18) 20) 15) 17) h XII) 18) 17) 15) 15) s 20
Stop XII - 55 (18) Stop 13 h I - 10 (s 21) 21) 20) 20 Arrive Ship 14 h 2 - s 00 (12) (IX - 00 PM) (one half mile to be deducted from distance on 1st Course on having Og-bier-seer-o-ping on a/c tortuous Coast windings)
June 18th/62
R VI - 45 - 00
GH VI - 19 - 21 4 CR[[guess]]
25 - 39
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Thursday June 19, 1862 On board G. Henry
Meridinal Obs. with Small Sextant
[[Note: two main columns of time and bearing readings divided by vertical lines "|"]]
[[Note: mathematic lines for sums, etc., are typed, not indicated by [[underlined]]. When there are sub-columns within a column I have indicated with "|" symbols]]
[[left column]]           |[[right column]]
IV-42-15 100[[degree symbol]] -31[[feet symbol]] -30[[inch symbol]] |  h4-m52-s03|  h4-m52-s03|  h4-m52-s03|)[[bracketed by line to same # below]]
   46-00        33 -30    |   4- 42- 15|   4- 46- 00|   4- 50- 25|
   50-25        35 -00    |   _________|   _________|   _________|
   50-10        35 -00    |       9- 48|       6- 03|       1- 38|
   57-25        34 -30    |     4-52-03|     4-52-03|     4-52-03|
 V-00-45        33 -00    |     4-54-10|     4-57-25|     V-00-45|
          ____________    |     _______|     _______|     _______|
          6)600-202-30    |        2-07         5-22         8-42
[[line across left column]]| m9-s48=96.0    2)100°-33'-45"
[[boxed note under        |  6- 03 36.6      ____________
left column]]             |  1- 38  2.7       50-16-?22.5
hV-m09-s00 = 100°-23'-00" |  2- 07  4.5  SD☉    +15- 46.4
This last workd by ?Earth |  5- 22 28.8 Refraction   -47
Result 62°-53'-56" Lat N. |  8- 42 75.7       ___________
[[line across left col.]] |     6)244.3       50-31- 59
[[boxed note]]            |
P.M. Obs. for time        |       ______
hVIII-m13-s00  76°-22'    |        40.71 
       14- 30  76 -05     |         1.25
       15- 37  75 -50     |        _____
_____________________     |Correct 50".8875 . . . . +51
     3)43-07 3)228-17     |                   ____________
  VIII-14-22 2)76°-05-40" |                   50-32- 50
     3-23-16   38 -02-50" |                   90-00- 00
  __________       15-46  |                   _________
     4-51-06       ____8  |                   39-27-10
     4-20-20   38-18-44   |                   23-26-32
   _________       1-12   |Result at 6 Ml Obs=62°-53"42" Lat N.
Chro from G.H.            |[[double line across right column]]
     m30-s46   38-17-32   |(Used small sextant PM Obs.
               62-53-00 .34122   |No ?9 ?error
               66-33-22 .03742   |[[boxed note right column]]
               _________  |Mean of Obs == hVIII-m14-s22
            2)167°-43-54  |?Ap time PM        3- 22- 19
[[calculation struck out]]|                  __________
              __________  |Chon T on ?Ap ?7 = 4- 52- 03
               83-51-57   .9.02880   |[[/right column]]
               38-17-32   .9.85379
              _________   ________  
               45-34-25 2)19.26123 = 9.63061 1/2 = h3-m22-s19 ?Ap ?T ?P
[[/left column]]
[[boxed note in left margin]]
Compass Chron
R's h9-m11-s00
G.H. 8- 45- 19 1/2
R's from G.H
R from ?G.?T.
G.H.s from ?G?T
[[/boxed note in left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
Transcribed in the Journal box over the transcription box mode so the the transcription looks like the Journal page. Typed lines to show calculations rather than using [[underlined]]. Consulted Hall's book for some names pp 454ff. I wonder if the series of numbers in half parenthisis are "Sledge Log" throws Hall used to measure overland sledge journeys? In this time period Hall was on a solitary dog-sled trip. Reviewed & edited a few words