Viewing page 21 of 239

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[[image - cross]]
At the left, distant 1/2 mile the ^[[low]] narrow neck of land near ^[[Sing-eye-en]] pass for Sledges in going to Oo-kood-lear. Stop VIII - 25 (s 10 [11 seals in line close together - one all white but a small black spot. E proceeds to load & attempt to shoot one. An alarm given by one & all go down at once. In getting over fissure in the ice dogs give a spring & give way leaving me & E. When assisted find that they have submerged sledge & its load wetting nearly everything! [[underlined]] 165 (my) paces [[/underlined]] to be added in Logs bring the distance made to the run away dogs. [[underlined]] Start [[/underlined]] h VIII - m 50 Stop h IX - m 00 - (s 12)  E. was after another seal [bad progress] He fires both barrels - powder wet - seal down - [[underlined]] Start IX - 10 [[/underlined]] (s 10) [[underlined]] Stop h IX - m 25 [[/underlined]] (s 11) on Sing-eye-yer Point - & make 1st Enc. it being a position where I desire to connect with proper Obs. Various points in Rescue Bay with Budington Bay. The weather being which nearly all around shall have to await its clearing up Oo-kood-lear Island near upper end of Budington Bay bearing 310[[degree symbol]] SE end Roger's Island 316. The extreme small Isd E. as we turn to up to Northumberland Inlet 261[[degree symbol]] The Ex E. Main Land as we turn to go up the said Inlet 264[[degree symbol]]; ^[[Oo-mi-en-wa on]] Monumental Island 183[[degree symbol]]. The Course The Course from h VII - m 20 to this 259[[degree symbol]] the 140 paces previous to said time & the 165 paces previous to VIII - 50 to be worked up & added.
After h VI - m 20 in above log I should have incorporated the following making it read thus [[strikethrough]] VI-20 [[/strikethrough]] Start h VI - m 20 - Stop h VI - 25 (s 7) [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Seals - Seal person! - Course near being drawn into a Tide hole! These holes becoming numerous May yet meet with trouble. I consent that E. try his hand at shooting Ook-gook - who is right ahead "Big feller" as E. says. E. fires - the Ook-gook - bounds up & down on the ice & plunges - wounded as blood is upon the ice. The dogs [[strikethrough]] piler[[guess]] [[/strikethrough]] spring forward on the gun report - last which now over King-ok who drowned himself out of hunger.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Travers Table & c ^[[part [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] ]] [[image - cross]] June 22d/62
[[Note: two side-by-side tables divided by a double vertical line]]
[[left table]]
[[eight column table with two line header]]
|Compass Course |True Course |True Courses |Distance |Dif Lat N. |Dif Lat S. |Dif. Dist. E. |Dif Dist W.|
|186[[degree symbol]] |248 |S.68[[degree symbol]] E. |2,844 |[[nil]] |1.065 |2,637 |[[nil]]| |
|153[[degree symbol]] |215 |S.35E. |2,609 |[[nil]] |2,137 |1,496 |[[nil]]||
|193[[degree symbol]] |255 |S.75E. |1.498 |[[nil]] |.338 |1.446 |[[nil]]||
|[[nil]] |[[nil]] |[[nil]]|[[total]]6,951 [[/total]]|[[nil]]|[[total]]3,590[[/total]] |[[total]]5.579[[/total]]| |[[nil]]|
[[/left table]]
[[right table]]
[[seven column table with two line header]]
|Minutes |Secs |75 feet ? |feet per sec. |feet total |Miles|[[blank]]||
47 |2820 |12.22 |6.137 |17.306 |2844 |[[nil]] ||
ZU |600 |13. |5.783 |3.470 |[[nil]] |[[blank]] || [[Note: 3.470 is bracketed with 12,413 below it, with 2,609 in sixth column]]
|[[strikethrough]] [[1A]] [[/strikethrough]] |[[nil]]|[[nil]] |[[nil]] |[[nil]] |2,609 |[[blank]]|
40 |2400 |14.5 |5.172 |12.413 |[[nil]]|[[blank]]||33 |1980 |16.25|4,616 |9.140 |1.498 |[[blank]]|
[[/right table]] 
[[/two side-by-side tables divided by a double vertical line]]
[[boxed note in left margin]]
Vu N |62[[degree symbol]] W|
[[/boxed note in left margin]]
[[[[Note: following five lines arranged side by side in two undivided columns I have divided with "|"]]
By D.R.|By D R
Latitude Ship 62[[degree symbol]] -53[[symbol]] -00[[symbol]] ^[[MPs]] 4890 |Long. Ship 65[[degree symbol]] -05[[feet symbol]] -00
Dif. Lat [[underline]] 03 [[symbol]] -35[[symbol]][[/underline]] | Dif Long. [[underlined]] 12 - 26 [[/underlined]]
Lat Cape by Tupiks (The Ex. Point) = 62 -49[[symbol]] -25[[symbol]] 4882/8 |Long Cape by Tupiks (Ex Pt.) = 66 -52 -34 |
For Traverse Table of remainder of distance  ^[[this day]] made see table No 1 end of Monday's June 23d /62
[[double line across page]]
Monday, June 23d 1862
[[note in right margin separated by vertical line]]
2d Encampment on Roger's Island Entrance to Budington Bay 
[[/note in right margin]]
Before leaving 1st Encampment with difficulty owing to thick weather make following Obs.
S.E. Ex of Land bet. Rescue & Frobisher's Bays 150[[degree symbol]]; 1st Channel 142[[degree symbol]]; 2d Channel 135[[degree symbol]]; The Cape(bet. G.T. Jones Tower 2d Channel) with "Gap" 126[[degree symbol]]. The Bay ^[[say Bluff E side Bay]] by G. T. Jones Tower 116[[degree symbol]]; G T Jones tower W. side entrance the Bay 114[[degree symbol]] E. side on bluff wall E. side Lupton Channel 107[[degree symbol]]; No farther sight W. on w/c thick low fog clouds. Middle 1st Duck Island the one nearest the Cape wh. I formerly considered the N entrance R. bay 114[[degree symbol]]; An Island this side & 1 mile dist. from place Obn 120[[degree symbol]] 1/4 mile long runs E.& W. Middle 2d Duck Isd out sea ward 152[[degree symbol]] apparently 4 or 5 miles dist. The W. side this Isd in line S.E. Ex of SE land but in R & F Bays
Right Tang. Larger Isd. Kitch-ik-tunge 212[[degree symbol]]; Left Tang do. 214[[degree symbol]]. Left Tang smaller 215[[degree symbol]]. There appears but a narrow space - a Gap between the 2 Isds. A sketch of appearance from this Point of Sing-eye-yer I have make

Transcription Notes:
Comment from the Transcription Team: It is more challenging to key in special characters, so our instruction ask you not to worry too much about them, just do the best you can. However, when one is able to produce the special characters, we welcome them. As long as the characters look right, we can leave them in place. Thank you. Transcription Center Team Edited: per instructions, added end page and start page, spaces between underlined and strikethrough text, removed symbols and replaced with text per instructions, edited and corrected some words Transcribed in the Journal box over the transcription box mode so that the transcription looks as much like the Journal page as possible. Typed lines to show calculations rather than using [[underlined]].